Chapter 42

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Erika's POV:

Erika- It was fun we had a nice dinner and walked around downtown LA and taking a walk on the beach it was like those high school dream dates coming to life

I smile thinking about it and look at Jake whose mouth drops.

Jake- So it was a date then.

I look at Jake and just give him a slight nod as he sighs not daring to look at me again. I sigh continuing to get breakfast ready.

After about 10 minutes of silence I glance at Jake who is scrolling through Instagram.

Erika- Jake, can you please talk to me

He ignores me not saying anything. I sigh walking over to him standing behind him wrapping my arms around his neck leaning on his shoulder as I feel him smile and turn around to look at me as our faces our a couple inches apart.

Erika- Please don't be mad, I don't know what I did but im sorry, I don't like when your mad

I see a smile form on his face as he talks against my cheek keeping his lips there.

Jake- Im not mad, I guess just a little jealous of you going on a date with that super hot model

I look at him shocked as my face is now probably beat red. Jake is jealous...does that mean he likes me? Am I making a mistake being with I really like Ashton or am I trying to cover up for liking Jake....Holy shit....

Erika- Do you really mean that

He looks at me and shyly nods.

Erika- Awe that's so cute Jake

I give him a tight hug as he looks at me confused.

Jake- How is that cute

Erika- I don't know it just is I find it cute for some reason

Jake- Your weird

I laugh as I lean back from his a little feeling his warmth go away as I walk back over to the counter continuing to make food. I then feel a strong pair of arms wrap around me and turn around smiling seeing Jake.

Jake- I think the man of the house should help

I laugh and hand him sausage

Erika- Get it ready, please

He nods going to the microwave to warm it up while I flip the pancakes more.

I then hear him say.

Jake- You flipping pancakes in a tank top and short shorts is so hot

I look at him and laugh as he smiles at me as he gives me a goofy grin.

Erika- You're cute, but you should probably put a shirt on before everyone gets down here

Jake shrugs- They have seen it plenty of times before

I laugh and roll my eyes at him concentrating on the pancakes.

Jake- So, I was wondering, I want to go to the carnival in town want to come with me

I look at him and smile giving him a nod.

Erika- Sure what time

Jake- After breakfast, we need to vlog

I laugh and roll my eyes.

Erika- It's all about the vlog

Jake- I mean not all, most of it

I laugh and nod continuing to flip these stupid pancakes I'm pretty sure I burned... shh no one will know it's me.

I then hear noises and look to see Chessa come down in and sit at the table.

Tessa- Hey you two

Erika- Sup

Jake- Morning

Chance- What's Poppin

Erika- Dealing with these stupid pancakes

Jake- She has been flipping them for like 15 minutes

I groan and flip him off as his mouth drops.

Jake- Wow now you flip me off, How Rude

I laugh and finally finish putting the food on the table as the rest of the gang soon shows up and then I see Ashton enter the room and look around and I see everyone's eyes on him. I have not told everyone about him yet.

Nathan- Nick is this your boyfriend

I laugh as Ashton looks at me sitting next to me looking for help

Erika- No this is not Nick's boyfriend this is my good friend Ash, he's also my model partner

Everyone nods ohhhhing

Nathan - Makes more sense

Ashton- Nice to meet you guys

Team 10- You too

Kenzie looks at me and smirks and I sigh.

Kenzie- So is this the guy you went out with last night

I glare at her and I feel the guys eyes on me.


I throw my sausage at him as he shuts up and eats it.

Anthony- Ha good thing it was sausage

I roll my eyes at him.

Kade- So are you guys together

Ashton- nope, not yet at least

Holy poop! Is he going to ask me to be his girlfriend? Am I ready for that? Like Jake is on my mind all the time... Oh boy how the hell do I find myself in these situations....

Dallas- Wait so Erika you guys are together

Erika- No not exactly

She nods and looks at Jake.

Dallas- Daddy why don't you date someone

He sighs and I am sitting next to him and look to see his hand clenched and I lean over and grab it holding it, as he calms down.

Jake- I don't know baby

Dallas- I really want a mom even if she won't replace real mommy, I really want one that's not Tessa

I squeeze Jake's hand and he looks at her.

Jake- Maybe soon Princess

I see Jake glance at me and I sigh looking at him. The rest of breakfast goes pretty well. I just said bye to Ash as he left and smile going up to my room when I swear I heard a sniffle and follow it seeing I am standing in front of Jake's door. I sigh not sure if I should enter or not. I decide to wait a little longer but here the cries get louder and sigh knocking saying "Its Erika" I hear no response so I slowly walk in to see Jake on his bed laying on top of the covers shirtless with his pants a little bit lower so you could see his pink boxers. I almost laugh and then I walk over to him and sit on the bed next to him and rub his back slowly.

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