Chapter 49

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Jake's POV:

I smiled so hard when Dallas said she would not mind another sibling and especially coming from Erika and that she really likes Erika. That makes me feel amazing, knowing that she likes a girl that I like. I was so worried about dating because of Dallas but now I don't have to worry as much, all I have to worry about is if Erika likes me. But I mean I kissed her last night and she kissed back, she must like me.

Its been a little bit and Dallas is hanging out with us as Tessa, Chance, Anthony and I play monopoly and others are watching us as we laugh. I then I hear talking and see Erika and Ashton walk in..... holding hands smiling...... no are they together..... please no.

I see Dallas glance at them and look at me worried, as I put my hand to my mouth telling her to be quiet.

Erika- Awe come on why did you not invite us I love monopoly

Tessa laughs- Well come on join then Rik

I watch as she smiles as she lets go of Ashton's hand and walks over sitting next to Tessa across from me, and Ashton sits on the couch behind her.

Erika- Hm who should I be

Erika ends up picking the thimble since that was the only one left and she joined in the game.

Its Erika's turn and she rolls going right onto to Park Place as Dallas squeals.


Erika laughs as she hands Dallas the money as Dallas does a little dance.

Dallas- Lets goooo

Erika laughs rolling her eyes.

Erika- Oh shut your yap it's your turn

We all laugh as Dallas sits down again and takes her turn landing on one of the like least paying outbuilding as.


Dallas laughs- I have to pay you 15 dollars here

Erika groans- Oh whatever

Dallas laughs and hands her the 15 as Chance takes his turn as we continue to play.

Somehow Erika and Dallas keep landing on each other doing the same thing every time, it's honestly so cute to see them get along so well.

Tessa is taking her turn when I look over and see Erika laugh and smile as Ashton puts his feet around her on her shoulders.

Erika- Ashhhhhh, get those smelly feet off me

Ashton- Now that you called them smelly no way

Erika laughs trying to push them off but fails.

Erika- Ugh you suck, you butt

Ashton- Thanks Rik, love ya to

Erika - I hate you to

Ashton- That is not what I said

Erika- Yea, its what I said

I see Ashton pout.

Tessa- Erika you're up

Erika- Oh yay, time to land on Dallas's square again

Dallas giggles as Erika rolls and goes on a piece and I smile.


Erika laughs and looks at it.

Erika- To bad, I only own you 10 bucks

I look at the board and groan as Erika laughs.

Jake- You suck

Erika- Thanks

Erika hands me the 10 dollars and I take it.

Jake- It makes me 10 dollars richer and you 10 dollars poorer so ha

Erika rolls her eyes as Anthony starts his turn.

After about another hour we get bored and clean it up sitting on the couch talking.

Anthony- So Ash what do you like to do besides modeling obviously

I look at Ashton whose arm is wrapped around Erika's head on her other shoulder.

Ashton- I love football I played Varsity all four years in high school as the QB

Anthony- Really man that's awesome

Chance- Yea all four years you must be good

Ashton- Yea I got a full ride to Alabama for football


Ashton laughs- Unfortunately I only could play for two years, I found out right at the end of my second season as Alabama's QB that my mom had cancer

Everyone gets deal silent as I see tears forming in his eyes.

Erika- Ash, maybe you should stop

Ashton- Naw its fine, I can talk

Tessa- Ash I'm so sorry

Ashton- no need to be but thanks, but yea I was so close with my mom and my dad called me on the phone breaking down crying, I flew back to LA as soon as possible risking my football career but honestly not caring, anyways I got back to LA and a month later we found out my mom died. When I finally was ready to go back, my spot was taken by the current QB now and well there went that

Everyone is silent and I feel really bad for him, I mean that is hard on anyone to go through that.

McKenzie- Im so sorry to hear that Ash, prayers go out to you guys

Ashton smiles- Thanks I appreciate it

Chance- Don't worry bro were here for you, wait so how old were you

Ashton- I was 20 so it was 5 years ago actually in 2 months

Everyone is silent and the mood drops to sadness.

Chance- So how did you end up with modeling

Ashton- Well since I was a college QB I was pretty in shape, I decided not to go back to college for the next year or actually at all eventually but I was on the beach with some friends and there was a model thing going on and one of the workers Mia who manages Erika and I both still today saw me and asked me and I decided to try it out and well I fell in love with doing it, so it ended up working in the end

Kade- I'm happy to hear that

Anthony- It was all meant to happen sometimes I guess

Ashton- Yea I mean if it never happened I most likely would have never met Erika here

Erika smiles and rests her head on his chest smiling.

Erika- Damn I would have been dating a QB in the NFL is we ended up crossing paths

My mouth drops and I look at them and I think everyone else looks shocks as well. I feel my whole world crash down... "I would have been dating a QB in the NFL", they are dating... they are dating... I need to figure out some way to get closer to Erika before it's way too late and next thing I know she's off married to him with kids...

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