Chapter 95

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Authors Note: 

Guys I'm really struggling here to come up with new and fresh ideas for this story. I don't want to do any more drama, so let me know if you guys have ideas. If not then this is a pretty good place to leave it off on I feel like. And let me know ideas for a new possible Jerika or some other story. 


Jake's POV: 

"STOPPPPPPPPP," I screamed running down the stairs. "JAKE JOSEPH PAUL GET BACK HERE," Alissa screams as I run out of the house about to get into the backyard to see Erika there smirking waiting on the deck for me.

"Seriously," I groan out seeing her smirk turning around to be face to face with Alissa... "Okay wait, Alissa, we can talk about this," I say backing up a bit feeling myself hit Erika as I groan.

"This is so fucking unfair," I groan when I feel water hitting my head seeing the girls run off looking up to see Chance, Anthony, and Tessa there laughing.

"I hate you all," I groan seeing Nathan, and Kade vlogging.

"Ugh you all suck," I say hearing them all laugh.

"That's one point for Team Elissa," I hear Alissa say as I roll my eyes.

"You guys seriously need a better name," I say feeling Alissa slap me feeling Erika slap me as well.

"Asshole," They both mutter. "Wowwwww," I say hearing them laugh Alissa wrapping her arm around Erika leaning on her.

"Well Rik, T and I are going to the mall, TESSA GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE," Alissa says going from nice to mean really fast. 

"ONE SECOND," I hear Tessa yell back seeing her kissing Chance as I roll my eyes looking back at Alissa and Erika. 

"Damn did I miss all the fun," I hear Ricky say coming around back. 

"Yes you took literal years," Alissa says running over to him jumping on his back. 

"I don't think I took years," 

"Yes you did," Alissa says as I roll my eyes looking at Erika who sends me a smile "See ya later Jakey," She says wrapping her arms around my neck as I smile down at her. 

"Don't let a semi hit you guys," I say hearing her giggle "I will make sure Alissa does not die again," She says with a laugh. I roll my eyes pressing my lips against hers hearing her giggle kissing me back when I feel a slap on my ass I groan pulling away to see Alissa there grabbing Erika's arm. 

"Stop making out with her, she's mine now," she says. "You are such a high school cheer captain," I mutter watching her walk away with that attitude a high school cheer captain has.

"Ugh Erika tell your boyfriend he's an asshole for me thanks," Alissa says walking into the house as Erika laughs and looks at me, "Alissa said..." 

"Yea that I'm an asshole I heard," I say hearing Erika giggle. "Don't take forever," I say looking at her hearing her laugh. "Jakey you can't rush girls shopping," Shes says as I roll my eyes feeling an arm around me seeing Ricky there.

"Ready to head out to the gaming convention," Ricky asks.

"Yea I'll meet ya round front," I say seeing him nod walking off around front. I look at Erika who sends me a smile "Have fun." 

"You too," I say pressing my lips against hers again until I hear "JAKE LET HER GO ALREADY," I roll my eyes pulling away looking at Erika "Who's idea was it to let her back into this house again?" I ask hearing Erika laugh looking at me "I'm pretty sure it was her stupid ex-husbands," She says. I roll my eyes "Go to the mall," I say hearing her giggle "See ya later Jakey," 

"See ya, Rik," I say watching her walk off as I smile... 

It's been officially a month since the Bora Bora trip and since Alissa's been back and it's honestly been the best month of my life. Not only are Erika and me in the most amazing position right now, but Alissa and I are also back to being our goofy teenage selves. Of course, I'll always love that stupid little Ohio girl but we always and forever will be best friends first. And man it's great having that girl back. Also, Alissa and I are currently in the process of getting divorced which is literally the most annoying process to ever be part of. Especially with the fact we have a kid together. It's honestly the biggest pain in the ass. Ricky and I talked and we sorted everything out as you can tell and we are now cool as well. Erika and Alissa get along like two peas in a pod which is incredible. And not to mention Dallas is overly ecstatic that her mom is finally back in her life. Alissa and Ricky ended up finally getting together about two weeks ago, and Ricky is basically living in the Mansion with us. Life is pretty damn amazing right now... not going to lie. 


"Two months," I softly say placing my hand softly on Erika's stomach. Receiving a smile from her she nods. "Two months," She says with a smile. "It's crazy," She says again.

"I know. It honestly feels like yesterday we just met," I reply. Erika smiles. "Well the time has defiantly flown by," She replies. 

"Man I can't wait to continue this journey with you," I mumble out pressing a kiss to her lips. She smiles as we pull away. "It's going to be a crazy next couple of years, that's for sure," Erika says. 

"Three new little cousins for Dallas are coming," I say. Erika giggles. "Technically two of them are actually step-siblings," Erika replies.

My eyes widen. "Oh shoot. You're right," I say. Erika giggles giving me a playful eye roll. "I know," Erika replies with a smirk. I roll my eyes. "Oh shush," I tease. 

Erika giggles turning on her side in the bed now facing me. "I love you Jakey" 

"Love you to Rik" 

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