Chapter 57

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Jake's POV: 

I wake up to feel someone poking me, and open my eyes to see Logan.

Logan- Were here bro, come on 

I nod and grab Erika standing up carrying her, as we put everything in the three cars we got and I get in the back with her laying her down, as Nick drives us to the house. We get to the house and I go wide eyed. I knew it was big and nice but now this good. Jeez. Nick parks the car and everyone gets out and I get our last carrying Erika as Dallas stands at my side. 

We enter the house and everyone looks around amaezed. 

Chance- Holy poop bro, Jake you out done your self this time 

Jake- Its amazing 

Pam- Alright we need to settle rooms 

Tessa- I got this alright so rooms are 

Chance and Tessa

Kade and McKenzie 

Nathan and Anthony

Pam and David 



Logan Lyida and Justin

Tessa- And then in the master is connected to another room so Jake do you think Erika and you would be okay with sharing the master and then Dallas in the connected room to you guys or I guess Dallas can sleep with you I dont know 

Jake- Yea we can figure it out, it will be fine 

Tessa nods- Alright that settles it, We had the people label the rooms with our names so just go hunt for you name 

Everyone laughs as they start looking for there room and Dallsas follows me as I carry Erika and then roll the luggage with me as we find the room. Dallas enters first gasping as I walk in pushin the luggage in closing the door once the luggage is in and look around. 

Jake- Dang we hit the jackpot 

Dallas nods.

Dallas- Dang Dad, you did good 

I nod laughing as I set Erika on the bed and she immdediatly cuddles up to the pillow as I laugh and open a door and calling Dallas

Jake- Dall look at your room 

She runs over to me and smiles.

Dallas- Its awesome oh my god 

I smile as its the perfect size for her and she jumps on the bed smiling. 

Jake- Alright im going to unpack the bags you can hang out with everyone downstairs if you want, when they come down 

Dallas nods - Love you dad 

Jake- love you Dall 

She runs out of the room yelling to Tessa the room is awesome as I laugh looking at Erika and then starting to unpack my bag. 

I open my bag up and start to take things out trying to figure out what to do with them. 

After about 5 minutes I see Erika move a little, and see her move more as she opens her eyes looking around confused and scared as I smile walking over to her. 

Jake- Hey Rik 

She calms down smiling at me.

Erika- Hey Paul, we are here I see 

Jake- Yup you slept for so long

Erika- Yea guess I did 

Jake- You feeling okay 

I ask her as I put my hand on her forhead checking her temp.

Jake- Well your heads not hot 

Erika- I guess I was just really tired. 

Jake- Guess so 

Erika then laughs and looks around.

Erika- Your doing an awesome job unpacking 

I laugh.

Jake- Oh shut it 

Erika- Dont worry I will help, so where am I staying 

I scratch my head looking at her.

Jake- Well, We are in the master right now and there is a room conncected that Dallas has already kind of claimed as her own so your really other option is the bed with me or I could sleep on the couch or something

She looks at me smiling.

Erika- Looks like were roomies then Paul

I smile at her nodding.

Erika- I call Right side of bed.

Jake- What no fair 

Erika-I already called dibs, so ha 

I laugh at our childness behavior and smile at her. 

Erika then gets up and laughs picking my emoji boxers up.

Jake- Shut up okay, Logan got them for me as as a joke 

She laughs again and waving them around. 

Jake- That is not nice, missy, your in trouble 

Erika puts her hands up in surrender

Erika- Oh no dont aresst me officer 

I laugh walking over to her turning her around, grabbing her wrists and putting them together like hand cuffs as I hold them there.

Jake- This is what you get, you prisoner 

She laughs and turns her head to face me, I smile as we are so close and want to kiss her so bad when I feel her lips agaisnt mine... oh my god she kissed me, I smile kissing back right away letting her wrists go and wrapping my arms aroung her waits pulling her closer to me as her arms go around my neck, smiling still kissing me back. I smile as I pick her up and she laughs as we disconnect as I drop her on the bed getting on top of her and she laughs looking at me as our faces are like a couple inches apart and im sitting on top of her, she then whispers.

Erika- Ash and I broke up, he likes Mia and I like you 

I dont even hesitate smiling so wide as I crash my lips back on hers as she smiles kissing back. We pull away a couple seconds later as our forheads touch.

Jake- Pinch me this must be a dream 

Erika- Its not a dream baby 

I smile at her connecting our lips once again as she smiles into the kiss. 

As we are kissing all I can think about is how the hell this happend. About 5 months ago we met a bar, having no clue we would be like this 5 months later, but here we are. I am kissing her and I have no regrets, Erika costell is going to be my girlfriend soon enough. We pull away breathing heavily as I get off of her and she smiles as I lay against the head board bringing her into my lap as she lays down between my legs facing me so shes on her stomach looking up at me. 

Jake- Erika Costell, will you go on a date with me 

She smiles nodding.

Erika- A million times Yes 

I smile pecking her lips as she smiles laying her head on my chest as I wrap my arms around her lower back. 

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