Chapter 56

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I then feel my phone vibrate and reach in my sweats and pull my phone out to see Mia calling me. What the hell is she calling for at 5 A.M. in the morning. I sigh pressing answer as I look to Jake asking. 

Erika- Where can I go to take this 

Jake- Just stay here its fine 

Mia- Hey Erika 

Erika- Hey why are you calling at 5 am 

Mia- I just wanted to make sure you did not hate me

Erika- Of course I dont 

I glance at Jake.

Erika- Im happy, trust me and im happy for you 

Jake looks at me confused and I just shake my head.

Mia- Good and I have some good news. 

Erika- Really what 

Mia- I may or may not of booked Ash and you a huge model deal in Miami for the fashion show 
I scream as Mia laughs on the phone and everyone looks at me.

Erika- Sorry guys, Oh my God Mia are you serious 

Mia laughs- Yup dead serious, also Ash says hi 

I laugh.

Erika- Tell him I said hi 

Mia- He says you broke his ear drums 

I laugh and roll my eyes.

Erika- Oh whatever, Oh my god Mia you are literally the best 

Mia- I know, I am the best manager ever 

Erika- and friend oh my god

Mia- Alright well I will let you enjoy your 12 hour plane ride 

I laugh groaning.

Erika- See ya Mia 

Mia- Bye see ya in a week 

I end the call as everyone is looking at me.

Erika- Sorry guys, I got a litle excited 

Jake- Ya think what did Mia say 

Erika- She booked Ash and I a huge gig in Miami for there fashion show 

Everyone smiles at me.

Jake- Really thats great 

Erika- I know, I cant wait 

Tessa- Lucky duck, I want to go to Miami

Erika- Maybe you can, I can see if I can bring anyone 

Tessa smiles at me, I look at Jake who looks jealous. Awe he thinks Ash is still my boyfriend. I cant wait to tell him the news. 


Jake's POV:

It has been like 3 hours now and were watching movies hanging out but all I can think about is Erika's modeling thing In Miami. Of course im happy for her, but she has to go with Ash. Ugh them in Miami all alone, I might as well be prepared for her to come back pregnant. Why the hell am I so jealous. I feel a pair of lips on my cheek and look to see Erika smiling at me cuddling against me more. I just want to fricking kiss her but shes dating someone, ugh why is this so complicated. 

Dallas's POV:

I wake up to hearing a ton of talking and open my eyes to see im on Tessa's lap and look across me to see.... awe oh my god my dad and Erika passed out laying on the couch togehter, with my dad's arms around her holding her so she does not fall off. Oh my god this is amazing. I smile as I look at Tessa and she smiles at me and then I point to my dad and Erika and she smiles at me nodding, and whispers to me.

Tessa- They are so cute arent they 

Dallas- Oh 100% yes

Tessa- So, are you okay with them dating if they do 

Dallas- Oh 100%, they are meant to be 

Tessa smiles at me nodding. I of course miss my mom, but if I had to choose I would be happy with Erika being my new one. I mean she takes me shopping, and makes me food when my dad is busy. She basically already raises me alot. Hopefully my dad and her will realize they both love each other. I look at Uncle Logan and see Justin in his arms and smile.

Dallas- Loggy can I hold Justin 

Logan smiles at me and nods.

Logan- Sure kiddo come here 

I smile getting off Tessa's lap and sitting next to him as he places justin in my arms, as I hold him how Lydia taught me to.

Lydia- Good job Dall your doing awesome 

Dallas- Thanks Lydia

I smile down at my little cousin im pretty sure is what he is called. I am not sure but im pretty sure. 

Dallas- You think I wil ever get a new sibling 

Chance- If your dad and Erika get togehter I bet, we will be finding out in less than a year that Erika is pregnant 

Everyone laughs and I smile nodding. 

Anthony- Turst me, you will get a sibling eventaully, I know your dad really wants a boy, or a girl but he really wants a son, he always as a kid said he wanted a girl first and then a boy 

I smile at Anthony nodding.

Dallas- I would not mind a baby brother, Justin is pretty cool 

Everyone laughs and I smile down at Justin. 

Pam- So Dall how do you like school 

Dallas- Its fun, and easy, my teachers are saying that I am very smart 

Tessa- Its a miracle 

Chance- Your dad absoulutely sucked at every class in school

Dallas- Really 

Logan- Yea, he was the worse, but then again he wanted to move out to LA as soon as possible to follow his dreams 

Dallas- Intresting, was my mom good at school

Anthony- She tutored the three of us every day after school, but eventaully gave up losing hope in us 

I laugh along with the others. 

Pam- She tried so hard to help your dad with school, your mom and dad would sit in the kitchen for hours and your mom would try so hard to help him, but he just never got it 

Dallas- Sounds like I took after my moms smartness 

Greg- Oh 100%, if you took over after your dad's you would be done for 

I laugh as my grandma slaps him. 

Pam- She would just need a lot more help

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