Chapter 87

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Jake's POV:

"Home sweet home!" Alissa happily yells out.

"Alissa's home guys!" I yell out throughout the house soon seeing everyone coming running down and pulling Alissa into hugs, a smile on my face.

Looking around I realize I don't see Erika. Huh wonder where she is?

All of the sudden I hear laughter, when I look to see Erika and Ricky walking in both of them smiling and laughing.

Well that's a fucking plot twist.

Exchanging a look with Alissa, I can tell we both are thinking the exact same thing right now.

How the hell did that happen?

"Ricky was doing a live stream with Chanthony last night so he stayed at the house, which is why he's here," Tessa whispers to us, probably seeing the confusion in Alissa and I's eyes.

I slowly nod my gaze still on Erika and Ricky who I don't think have even noticed us yet. "Hey Erika," I quickly say walking in between her and Ricky wrapping my arms around her.

Our eyes lock, as she smiles up at me. "Oh hey Jakey," She says. "What's up here?" I ask looking between her and Ricky.

"Ricky was trying to teach me Fortnite"

"It didn't work man," Ricky says with a sigh. "Erika is hopeless when it comes to that game," Anthony mumbles out.

"I'm not hopeless! I'm just not as skilled!" Erika pouts out. I smile at my girlfriend. "We still love you," I say watching her smile up at me.

"Thanks Jake for the support"

"I gotcha"

Erika giggles leaning against me a bit, my arm still wrapped around her protectively, when I Realize Ricky is now exchanging a hug with Alissa.

That dude just can't keep his hands off my girls can he...

Grabbing Erika's hand I pull her over to Alissa with me wrapping my arm around Alissa leaning against her a bit.

"Well I know you just got back and all but what do you say to doing your big appearance back in the vlogs?" I ask interrupting her and Ricky's little laugh session.


A smile comes to my face "That actually sounds nice," I say looking around at everyone who quickly nods. "We did just get back from your birthday vacation though?" Tessa says trying to act like the mom.

"I know butttt Alissa wasn't there, and now she isssss," I say looking at Alissa who nods. "And this way we can all hang out enjoy time together again without working," She says giving me a glare.

"Why do I feel like that was directed to me?"

"Because you always are working," She mumbles out.

"I will have you know that I took a solid two years off of after everything," I mumble out a bit.

Alissa rolls her eyes. "All in favor of going on vacation raise your hand"

Everyone raises there hands, leaving a smirking Alissa there.

"Why is everyone looking at me?"

"Uh cause your the CEO boss T-Rex, and paying for the trip," Chance says in a duh voice. "Of course I am," I mumble out, turning to look at Alissa.

"Well, where do you want to go?" I ask. "Bora Bora!"

"Of course," I mumble out. "Please! Please Please! Please! Plea-"

"Bora Bora it is! Just shut up!" I whine out looking at Alissa who annoying rolls her eyes at me. "Asshole," She mutters out.

"Anyways where am I sleeping?" She asks. Exchanging a look with her my eyes widen. "You know I haven't thought that far ahead yet"

"Bird brain," Alissa mutters out, starting to laugh with Tessa. "He really is a bird brain"

I'm always being teamed up on... it's not fair!

"A bird brain that ended up as a fucking millionaire so take that!" I say sticking my tongue out at Alissa and Tessa who roll there eyes.

"Well, bird bra- I mean Jake where am I sleeping?"

"Well, we have the extra room next to Chessa which was Erika's old one, guess you could take that one over," I suggest.

"Ughhhh but Chessa makes babies every nighttttttt," Alissa whines out getting glares from Chance and Tessa. "Fine take the couch then"

"Wowwwwwww. Okay I see how it is"

"Fine sleep with Erika and I," I tease out watching Alissa's eyes widen. "I'm not that fucking desperate, I'll take the damn couch before I do that"

Laughing a bit I roll my eyes. "Alright Ohio boys let's get moving to get my room set up. Chop Chop!"

And miss bossy pants is back...

But damn I wouldn't trade it for the world...


"JAKE FUCKING PAUL I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" My now freezing cold, naked girlfriend screams out, from the shower after I dumped a ton of cold water on her.

You gotta do what you gotta do for the views...

Exiting the bathroom before I get my ass kicked I wait for Erika to come out screaming at me, soon seeing her appear in just my shirt. She's trying to fucking kill me, isn't she?

"This isn't nice," I mumble out watching her come over to the bed next to me. "What isn't?" She asks innocently.

"This," I mutter out feeling her sit on my lap, as she has that cute little smirk on her face.

"I really want to do this right now but we do need to talk," I mumble out, using every last ounce of energy I have to not kiss her right now.

"About?" Erika asks.

"You knowwwww. The whole fact that my dead wife is actually still alive and still my wife, but at the same time I'm dating you but then I have a kid with her, and well I love you both and I'm a really confused bird brain right now," I very quickly mumble out.

Watching Erika grin a bit, she giggles. "You're a really cute bird brain though"

I smile a bit. "I told Alissa to kiss me at the hospital to try to sort out these feelings but she refused to kiss me so then we had like a 10 fucking minute fight about who had to kiss the other person first, and I finally just kissed her, and when I did I don't really know what I felt," I quickly say once again.

Erika gives me a confused look. "Right," She says confused. "Rik I'm so sorry. I feel like the worst guy in the world," I whisper out.

Erika shakes her head. "You aren't the worst guy in the world Jake," She whispers out.

"I cheated on you," I mumble out. "I mean technically you have been cheating on Alissa for over two years now"

"True," I mumble out. "See it's getting worse! Every time I kiss you I cheat on Alissa, and if I kiss Alissa I'm cheating on you!"

"How the hell did this happen?" Erika mumbles out.

"I fell in love with a goat," I mumble out, watching a grin form on Erika's face. "And I fell in love with a bird brain"

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous now!" I pout out crossing my arms.

"Just kiss me bird brain"


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