Chapter 66

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Jake's POV:

We have been at this bar for about 5 hours now and its only a minute till its officially my birthday and yes my actual birthday not just midnight. It has been an awesome night, I have been hanging out with everyone having an awesome time. Unfortunately my parents are not here cause they have to watch Dallas and Justin but its okay, I did not exactly want them here to be those weird parents I have plenty of time for them to say how old I am getting when we get back to the mansion.

I am currently dancing with Erika as we mess around dancing really weirdly every which way, as we are laughing. We both may of had a little to drink but not enough to be drunk. Soon I hear everyone counting from 10 and smile as Erika smiles back at me


I look at Erika and she smiling at me as she counts with everyone





I start to get closer to her wrapping my arms around her as she smiles wrapping her arms around my neck holding me close.


I smile as our foreheads touch and she smiles up at me


I lean down as our mouths are inches apart



I feel her lips on mine as I smile kissing her back, not wanting to stop anytime soon


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE!!! I hear everyone scream as I am kissing Erika and she is smiling kissing me back.

We soon pull away and I feel Chanthony jump on me hugging me as Erika smiles at me as she starts to talk to Tessa, as the others start to wish me a happy birthday.

Tessa- Happy B-Day Jakester

Jake- Thanks Tess

I then get back to Erika and smile at her.

Jake- Now where were we

She laughs and kisses me as I smile kissing back, enjoying this so much. This is like the best birthday ever and we are only a minute into it.

Logan- Okay, okay you can kiss your girl later, come on bro we are doing are Paul thing

I growl as I pull away from Erika as she laughs at me.

Jake- Logan we are not doing this

Logan- Oh yes we are come on little bro

I groan as Erika laughs as Logan starts dancing around me messing around.

Logan- Im not stopping till you join in

I groan as Logan and I start dancing around like idiots and I see everyone laughing at us and smile seeing Erika laughing uncontrollably. Man I am falling for this girl more than I thought I could.

Logan and I soon finish our little dance thing and Lydia smiles hugging me and then Logan.

Lydia- It's just so good, you guys do it so well

Logan and I laugh as Erika comes up and I snake my arm around her bringing her close as she smiles.

Erika- Good job you two

Jake and I nod.

Logan- Thanks Rik

Lydia- So Paul, Costell are you guys together yet

Jake- Nope not yet, don't worry soon enough though

Erika smiles looking up at me.,

Logan- Damn, I bet you are so happy I made you go to that bar that night

I smile at Logan and nod.

Jake- Damn your right

Logan- See Brother Logan always got your back bro, especially with these vicious girls

I laugh as Lydia slaps Logan.

Tessa- Alright Pauls' get together we need a picture

I laugh as Erika starts to walk away but I pull her back.

Jake- Nope you are in this one

Erika looks up at me and smiles confused.

Lydia- I was in the pictures before I was a Paul as well, they are just really clingy guys

Logan- Gee sorry I love you

Lydia laughs and kisses Logan's cheek.

Lydia- I love you to Loggy

Tessa- Alright, enough you guys, now act like you love each other

I laugh as I whisper to Logan and he smiles at me nodding as we wrap our arms around the others shoulder and then I kiss Erika's cheek as Logan kisses Lydia's. Tessa smiles taking the picture and smiles.

Tessa- Awe that was so cute you guys, this is totally going on Instagram

I laugh as Tessa runs over to Kenzie to probably show her it as I look at Erika and bringing her over to the side.

Erika- Well hello there

Jake- Sup

Erika laughs and wraps her arms around my neck as mine go to her waist.

Erika- So do you want your present now or later today

I look at her thinking.

Jake- Ill say later

Erika- Good cause I did not bring it so

I laugh and roll my eyes at her.

Jake- Of course you did not

She gives me a cheeky smile, and then yawns, I smile at her.

Jake- Awe is Costell tired

Erika- We have been non stop doing things since like 9:30 when we woke up, im a bit tired

I roll my eyes at her and hugging her tighter as her head falls into my chest.

Jake- Im falling for you baby

I whisper as Erika looks up smiling.

Erika- Im falling for you to Jakey

I look down at her smiling and pressing my lips to hers enjoying this night way to much.


With Chessa:

Tessa's POV:

I walk over to Chance after finishing taking the Paul's picture and see him leaning against the wall staring off into space. I walk up to him wrapping my hands around his neck and smiling at him as he just glances at me and goes back to staring at the wall.

What is up with that...

Tessa- Chance you okay

He looks at me and sighs staring off into space again.

Tessa- Chance please talk to me, I want to help whatever is wrong

Chance sighs and looks at me saying something that shocks me.

Chance- I feel like Alissa is not dead, I feel like she's still out there somewhere, and in trouble

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