Chapter 12

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Tessa- Alissa was the best

Jake- She really was, remember your 18th birthday party and she found out you and Chance kissed 

Tessa- Oh my god yes ,  You almost killed Chance if she did not stop you

Jake- I just did not want him to hurt you, you know me im a protective big bro

Tessa smiles at me- And im so appreciative of that Jake I really am, We have been through some really tough times, but I could not imagine going through all this without you

I smile at her and grab her hand squeezing it.

Jake- Im always going to be here for you, no matter what happens, it will always be the two of us 

Tessa smiles at me.

Tessa- I just wish it could go back to two years ago 

Jake- Me to, more than anything but Alissa is defiently happy right now probably watching down on us screaming that Nathan and you may be dating

Tessa gives her signature laugh and I smile at her. Oh and dont worry we are in the Tesla and its manually driving.

Tessa- She probably is, man I would give anything to see her again and hug her 

Jake- Me to Tess, me to 

I then hear a sniffle and look to Tessa to see a tear come down her face and sigh wiping it as she cries out.

Tessa- I miss her so much 

I look at her sad and wrap my arm around her.

Jake- And I bet she misses us to, but we just have to stay strong Tess 

Tessa looks up at me and smiles. 

Tessa- Thanks Super Star 

Jake- Of course Shortie 

Tessa smiles up at me and kisses my cheek.

Tessa- We have not said those since Alissa died 

Jake- Well I think its time we do it again 

Tessa smiles at me and nods.

Tessa- Why dont we all hang out tonight and maybe you can invite Erika over 

I smile at her and nod.

Jake- Sure ill call her when we get to your house. 


Jake's POV:

We reached the Tale's and Brooks's household about 30 minutes ago to find a huge nerf war between Tristan and Dallas breaking out, with forts and everything, I decided to call Erika and wait for her in the driveway. I then see a car pull up and see her in a white Jeep Wrangler. Damn she looks good in that car. I smile as she gets out and I go to her and give her a hug that she returns soon we pull away and I look at her seeing her in a casual t shirt and jeans. 

Erika- This is nothing fancy right 

I laugh and look at her.

Jake- Your perfect, plus its probably going to turn into nerf so you might need to borrow like Tessa's sweats 

Erika laughs and looks at me.

Erika- Sounds perfect 

I nod.

Jake- Alright  so there is a massive nerf way going on so be cautious 

Erika laughs as we head into the house. I open the door and see them running around screaming and yelling. Tessa then runs over to us hiding behind me.

Tessa- HIDE ME JAKE, oh and hey Erika 

Erika and I laugh.

Jake- You yelling hide me Jake is not going to help 

I feel her smack my back and laugh as Tristan comes over.

Tristan- I see you Brooks and hey Erika 

Tessa growls and runs away upstairs and I look at Erika as we both laugh.

Jake- It may be crazy but its home 

Erika laughs looking at me and smiling looking around. 

Erika- Its nice so this is Tristan and Tessa's house 

I nod.

Jake- Yup they did good 

Erika giggles nodding.

Erika- Yea it reminds me of your house a lot

Jake- Yea they both have to same sort of design, so shall we strap up into some nerf gear 

Erika nods smiling and I lead her up to the room in the house dedicated to nerf as we grab our guns and head downstairs to see Tessa and Dallas against a wall as Tristan has the guns pointed at them. 

Tristan- Dallas you better not move or the tickle monster is coming

I watch as Dallas laughs as Tristan starts tickling her and she starts squealing I then signal for Tessa to jump on Tristan and she nods jumping on his back and holding him down as Dallas runs over to Erika and I start shooting him.

Tristan- OH no you dont Paul! 

Tristan then starts running at me and I laugh running away as Tessa is still clinging onto his back for dear life. Life has been turning out pretty great.


Erika's POV:

It has been about 2 hours and we are all on the couch now watching who would of known it the Dallas Cowboys football game. Apparently they are all huge Dallas Cowboys fans since they went to Dallas as a Team back when Team 10 was a thing and they met some of the players and things. Its pretty cool if you ask me. Also Dallas is so cute in her way oversized football jersey cheering them on.  


I smile as I look at the T.V and see they just scored as Dallas jumps up and down with Jake.


I laugh im pretty sure Prescott is there QB but then again im not a football expert. I smile as Jake nods as they jump up and down. I look over to see Tristan and Tessa smiling as well.

Tristan- Alright Paul's enough im trying to watch here 

I see Dallas giggle and jump into Tristan's lap laying against him. 

Dallas- Now you have to deal with me 

Tristan- Eh it could be a lot worse 

I laugh a bit and see Dallas laugh as she cuddles up to him. I direct my attention back to Jake who sits down next to me and smiles at me and then he directs his attention back to the screen. I smile and look around really enjoying myself and the people in this room. I barely know some of them but feel like I have known them my whole life. Weird how this works some times. 

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