Chapter 50

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Ashton- Yea I mean if it never happened I most likely would of never met Erika here

Erika smiles and rests her head on his chest smiling.

Erika- Damn I would of been dating a QB in the NFL is we ended up crossing paths

My mouth drops and I look at them and I think everyone else looks shocks as well. I feel my whole world crash down.... "I would of been dating a QB in the NFL", they are dating.

Ashton- Yea but your boyfriend is a model so its still pretty cool

Erika smiles and nods.

Erika- Yea I guess

Tessa- Wait you guys are like official together

I see Erika and Ashton both smile and nod.

Ashton- Yup the 3 and a half year wait was so worth it

I hear Erika giggle and nod.

Erika- Totally

Dallas then gets up and runs upstairs and I look at Tessa worried.

Ashton- Why did she just jolt up stairs

Jake- Probably going to the bathroom, Ill go check

I quickly get up getting out of there as fast as I can...... They are dating.... they are together, but we literally kissed last night, I thought that would show her I liked her guess not..... What the hell am I going to do. I get to Dallas's room and walk in and see her on her bed laying down, I go and sit on the bed with her and rub her back.

Jake-Hey Dall what's wrong

Dallas- Erika is dating Ashton, she should be dating you

I look at her sighing.

Jake- Dall, im sorry, if you are disappointed but Erika seems happy and we have to be happy for her

Dallas- But your not happy

Jake- But she is, ill fine a girl one day

Dallas- I don't want you to find any girl, I really like Erika, she is so fun and nice, and talented, beautiful and awesome

I look at her and smile.

Jake- Your right she is all that but as long as she's happy Ill be fine

Dallas looks at me sighing.

Dallas- Love is stupid, you always get screwed

I laugh at her nodding.

Jake- Its not stupid I guess Im just unlucky it

Dallas- You should try to get lucky in it

I laugh as Dallas smiles at me... She's such an amazing kid, How did I get so damn lucky to have her.


Erika's POV:

Dallas ran up the stairs and Jake ran after her. I wonder what that was about.

Anthony- So you two hmm interesting

I look at Anthony unsure of what he thinks of us dating.

Anthony- Alright I will accept you guys on one condition

I look at him scared.

Ashton- Alright and what is that

Anthony- You play Football with the boys

Ashton laughs and nods.

Ashton- I would love to

Anthony- Awesome I need to see that arm in action

Ashton- Yea, it was a good arm in its prime

Chance- Ooh what if we for our next Chanthony video do a trick shot video with you Ash, would you be down

Ashton- Oh yea that sound sick, Im down

Anthony- Awesome come over tomorrow so we can start

Ashton- Sure Ill come after modeling tomorrow probably around 2

Chance- Awesome

I smile in relief that at least Chanthony likes Ash.

Kade- So can I use Ex College QB as clickbait

I laugh and so does everyone else.

Nathan- Ex College QB dating Team 10 member in all caps and questions marks

We laugh at what Nathan said.

Erika- Yea lets not release that we are dating yet

Ashton- Oh yea, I keep forgetting you have this huge fan base over at Team 10

Tessa- Yea we also are an amazing family and nothing comes between us

I feel Tessa look directly at me and I think... what's up with her.

Ashton- Don't worry Tessa, I promise I wont steal Erika from you guys. I can tell she's super happy here and Im super happy she is doing well here

I look at Tessa who smiles.

Tessa- Damn its hard to not like you

Ashton laughs and shrugs.

Ashton- Im a hot nice dude what can I say

We laugh and I smile at him. I am happy with the choice I made, I think Ashton and I could work out in the end.

After a little bit more talking, Jake comes back down by him self and sits down.

Jake- She's passed out

I see Jake look over at us and look away fast and sad. Does he like me, he cant right.... or can he.... I mean he did kiss me and has shown me many signs he might like me, he would of said something though...right.

Chance- Jake man , Ash is so cool

Jake just nods.

Chance- I mean hes a hot nice guy

Ashton and I laugh along with everyone but Jake.

Erika- Chance back off you have a girlfriend already

Chance laughs- No promises Erika

I laugh as Ashton laughs.

Ashton- Now calm down there's enough Ash to go around

Everyone but Jake laughs once again. I look at Jake who seems annoyed. I look at him confused as he does not make any eye contact with me. Maybe he does like me more than I thought....

Jake- Anyways we have some Team 10 business to discuss with the big trip for my Birthday

Erika- Oh yea man I cant wait

For the first time Jake looks at me and gives me a slight smile.

Ashton- Alright, I should be heading home anyways

Erika- Awe, ill walk you out, be right back guys

They nod at me as Ashton and I get up heading to the front door.

Ashton - See ya tomorrow at like 2

I smile at him nodding.

Erika- Bye Ash

He smiles kissing me and I smile kissing back for like 2 seconds and then we pull away.

Ashton- Bye Rik

I wave bye as he walks to his car gets in and going out of the driveway, I smile and then walk back in the house and into the living room to discuss Team 10 business.

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