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Book 1

Peter Parker.

That name would mean so much more to people if they knew- if they TRULY KNEW- who I was. Yet as I sit in my chemistry class, answering the professor's final questions, I knew it could never be that simple.

"Have a good weekend, make sure to read chapters eleven and twelve!" Mr. Conan desperately called over students rushing out as the bell rang.

His tongue made a clicking noise in his mouth as he shook his head.

"Sometimes," he started, watching me slowly pack up my things. "I feel like you're the only one who listens."

"Chemistry fascinates me, Sir." I gave him a thin lined smile. He gave one back before jerking his chin to the door as if to say 'yeah yeah. Get out of here you rascal.'

"Have a good weekend Pete."

"You too Mr. Conan."


"In your head, in your head, they are fighting" I sang along to Zombie by The Cranberries as I walked home from school. My backpack hung loose from my right shoulder as I bobbed my head, walking very off beat to the song playing through my earbuds.

I let out a heavy sigh, not knowing if it was a relaxed one or a stressed one, I was nearing my apartment complex. Aunt May was making banana bread, she texted me during lunch hour, so I was definitely looking forward to getting home.

That, and getting a start on my studying. Finals were coming up soon, and though I always nailed tests, I was feeling stressed. Ever since that day at the museum, when that spider bit me, I had been so busy with putting these powers to good use. Or at least trying too.

School was ending in three weeks, so I just needed to hang in till then.

"Hey! You little- gaaah." The familiar voice of May knocked me out of my thoughts. I took one earbud out as I watched her shake her head at some girl, running away.

"What happened?" I asked, taking the music from my ears. They rang slightly as the sounds of constant rush hour honking took over.

"She plucked one of my roses and just... ran off!" She scoffed.

That's when I fully got a look at the girl, thanks to my Spidey senses I could still see her perfectly before she rounded a corner. Her (your color hair) whipped side to side as she made a mad dash away. Her skinny jeans formed her body perfectly, and her gray tee shifted as her arms frantically moved with her body.

In her (Your skin color) hands held a rose. She clutched it so tightly, the thorns pricked her palms, leaving a small scent of blood in my nose.

"Want me to go after her?" I furrowed my eyebrows and started taking off my bag.

"No no, stay out of trouble." May turned to me and smiled. "It's just a flower."

"You worked so hard on planting them though. Really it isn't a big-" I tried telling her I was fine with it, but she stopped me.

"Peter. You never know what someone is going through. If something isn't a big deal, we shouldn't make it one." Her smile was kind and clever, she enjoyed giving me life lessons.

I couldn't help but smile back at her, her delicate features were so home-like.

"Now get in here, I have banana bread!" She turned around and nearly danced into the building. I shook my head and smiled, she was such a dork.

As I picked my bag off of the bottom of the concrete steps, I couldn't help but look where the mystery girl disappeared to. As Spiderman, I could easily catch her, yet I wanted to do this as Peter.

Don't make it a big deal.


Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the intro to this book! I absolutely love Spiderman, so I could not resist writing about it.

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