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"Do we have to go?" Y/n groaned from my bed as I fished my bag out of my closet.

"No, well, yes." I corrected myself.

She sat up from her laying position and frowned at me.

"I don't even have money for a ticket." She crossed her arms, thinking she got the best of me.

I smiled up at her and I got on my knees and shoved shorts into the plain gray bag. "The booster club is paying for it, due to our victory."

"Our?" She smirked. I rolled my eyes and threw a bag at her.

"Fine, your victory."

"Let's go to Hawaii bitches!" Ned barged through my door wearing a blue Aloha shirt, khakis, sunglasses, and a fishing hat.

"Ned, the flight isn't for another three hours." I laughed at him as he threw his suitcase across my floor.

"I know dude, I'm just so excited."

If you couldn't tell by now, the Decathalon team was invited to go to Hawaii and spend time with last year's winners. Even I was invited, even though I wasn't even a part of it. I didn't care though, it was frickin' Hawaii!

"Why?" Y/n groaned in response to Ned.

"Why aren't you?" Ned and I both asked.

"I've never even been out of Queens, other than DC. I've never been on an airplane, I've never been somewhere where they speak foreign languages, nothing. It's hot. It's humid, it's by the ocean-" She went on and on.

"It's beautiful." Ned chimed in.

"Romantic." I stated.




"A tourist trap." Y/n rolled her eyes, but grabbed the bag from beside her where it landed. "Besides, Liz said we would be spending so much time on the beach."

"Yeah! The beaches are amazing." Ned sighed happily.

"I don't do beaches." She stated firmly.

"Why?" I asked.

"I've never been to one. And I HATE swimsuits." She argued.

"It'll be fine, you're beautiful, stop it." I scolded her as her arms wrapped around her stomach insecurely.

"And since Liz is going, Flash will be there too and... being in a bathing suit in front of him is just..." She shivered and cringed.

"Hey." I stood up and moved to the place beside her. "I'm not gunna let him look at you, let alone touch you." I growled. "We're gunna have so much fun." I wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

She sighed and nodded.

"Now go get packed you nerd, we gotta be at the school in an hour." I nudged her. She got up from the bed and retreated to her room.

"You think she'll be okay?" Ned asked kindly as he messed with the zipper on his luggage.

"She's strong, she'll be fine."


You packed a variety of shorts, mostly black and highwaisted ones, and t-shirts. May went crazy shopping for you, seemingly excited to do shopping for a girl.

You had your toothbrush, deodorant, and all other things you would need. But as you opened your drawer and looked at your (your boss ass swimsuit) you cringed. You did NOT want to wear this, not even in front of Peter. You hated feeling exposed, this was gunna suck.

Huffing frustratingly, you shoved the bathing suit into your borrowed bag and sat down on your bed.

"Damn it." You sighed, rubbing your hands over your face. Why couldn't he see you really did not want to go?

You played with the cuffs on the sweatshirt you stole from Peter and smiled. What were you thinking?

Peter made you feel so comfortable and happy, you didn't need to worry. Plus, you were wearing his sweatshirt along with some female Nike running shorts on the plane, so you would have the sweatshirt to cover you up at any moment you felt uneasy.

You could do this, nothing stopped you from stripping in front of him the night of the picnic anyways.

"T minus five minutes till we leave!" Pete yelled from his room. You nodded as if he could see you and zipped up your bag before standing up.

You yanked it over your shoulder and grabbed your (comfy shoes of choice) before walking to the living room.

"I got the towels and sunscreen in this bag, along with aloe incase we get burned." Ned stated, throwing his bag onto the couch. You nodded and arranged the few bags nicely before sitting down and placing your shoes on. You had your (out and about shoes of choice) packed for when you weren't on the plane.

"Ready m'lady?" Peter asked as he snaked an arm around you waste. You nodded and curled into his chest for a hug. Placing a kiss on your forehead, he gifted you an excited smile and sat down, pulling his own shoes on.

"Ned, if you will?" Peter spoke after standing back up.

"Let's go to Hawaii bitches!"


Ily bye

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