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Peter stood at the counter, watching as the vegetable soup became a boil.

His left fingers tapped anxiously as his right stirred and stirred. His mind was going viral. All the little voices in his head were screaming answers he didn't want to believe.

What if...? He thought to himself. No... it's impossible.

The soup began to smell, almost at a burning point, before he finally snapped back into reality.

Quickly, he took the pot off the burner and poured the contents into a tan bowl, placing a clean, silver spoon in it. He turned the burner off and quickly walked into your room.

Upon entering, he saw her curled up into a ball and holding her stomach, as if in severe pain.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" He asked, setting the bowl down on your nightstand and placing the back of his hand to your forehead.

Your scrunched eyes opened and gave him a light smile.

"I'm okay, very hungry however." You spoke weakly. You hadn't been able to keep a single meal down, but you were hoping for the best that this one would be different.

Peter passed you the bowl and helped you sit up.

"You're really warm..." He spoke as he gently put the bowl in your hands.

"I feel a lot better though. I think it's just a cold now. I just have chills, I'm hungry as hell, and weak as a newborn baby." You laughed poorly.

That word made Peter shiver.


"I don't even feel like throwing up to be honest." You spoke. You looked at him as he stayed silent, and saw his ghostly look. "The real question is, are you okay?"

"Are you pregnant?!" He blurted out suddenly. You were taken back by his words but blushed like crazy.

"What?! N-no!" You gasped out.

"I mean, morning sickness, weakness, fever... isn't that all the signs?" He rushed out.


"Your stomach hurts, you can't stand up with out getting dizzy."


"We had sex!"

"PETER!" You yelled, finally getting him to stop talking. "I'm not pregnant!"

You blushed even deeper now as you realized how awkward the situation was.

"How do you know? We didn't use prote-"

"Peter." You stopped him again. "I'm literally on my period right now. I am not pregnant." You stated simply, with a tone only harsh enough to get the point across.

Peter ran a hand over his face in embarrassment and sighed.

"I don't understand what's wrong..." He cried out weakly.

You placed a hand on his cheek to get him to look at you.

"I just have the flu, Babe." You smiled sympathetically at him. You can understand his worry, but he was panicking over nothing.

He nodded and placed his hand over yours on his cheek, leaning into you a bit.

"Gosh, you need to get out." You giggled.

"W-what? Do you want me to leave?" He asked sadly.

"No no no," you giggled. "After I eat the soup nothing will be wrong with me beside weakness and such. I'm feeling a whole lot better. You have been here with me for nearly a week and a half. Go to Ned's house. You need a break."

"I am not leaving you here alone." Peter demanded.

"I'm not alone, May lives here too. Peter, I am honestly fine. You need a break or you'll get sick too. Get out, go have fun, do your thing. Please. You're worrying me now."

He thought about it for a few moments.

It would be nice to take a break for a while but he knows he would worry about you the whole time.

"Okay, a few conditions." He spoke up. You nodded for him to continue. "May has to stay home tonight and be here till I get home tomorrow."

"Deal. If that's okay with her at least. And?" You answered.

"You have to text me how you are doing at LEAST twice an hour."

"Deal. And?"

"I will go if you can stomach that soup. If you can't I am staying here to take care of you."

"Deal. I'm so hungry I doubt that would be a problem." You smiled.

Peter let out a breath and relaxed for a split second.

A part of you wanted to take offense that he was actually thinking about leaving you for the night, but you understood. He needed it, or you would both be sick. Plus, you could use the time to rest with out being bothered every hour for 'check ups' by Doctor Parker.

You lifted the spoon full of delectable soup and shoveled it into your mouth.

"Oh god food, I missed you." You groaned out, taking more.

Peter rolled his eyes at you but planted a kiss on your cheek.

"I'll talk to May and see what she says, okay?" He spoke, standing up from the bed. "You enjoy that soup."

"Okay. Hey Peter?" You spoke, getting his attention before he left fully from the room. He stopped and turned back to you with a caring look.

"Thank you. I love you a lot."

"I love you too (your nickname)."


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