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"Seriously?!" May's Voice once again awoke me. I was quicker this time, and even yanked on sweatpants before darting out.

I managed to get a glimpse of her before she darted around the corner. She had on high wasted jeans and a white shirt this time. She dressed so simple, as if she was not focused on looks like most girls.

"Peter, I'm becoming fed up." May turned to me and rolled her eyes.

"Next time, I'll be ready." I looked at my watch.


I'll get you tomorrow, Flower Girl.

"Where's Ned?" she asked as we walked inside.

"Oh uh..." I started.

"He didn't come over, did he?" She scoffed and lightly hit my arm.

"Owe," I whined, though we both know it didn't hurt. "I tried! I invited him. He had family stuff." I reasoned.

"Well," she opened the door. "I guess I can't really be mad at you for trying."

~~~~ Monday Afternoon~~~~

My leg tapped up and down anxiously as I sat in Chemistry. It was almost three, meaning the final bell was soon to ring. I wanted to get home in time to catch that girl and force an explanation from her- as Peter.

Any second now.... aaaaaaannnddd....

Ding Ding Ding

I was the first to jump from my seat and dash out of the door. I had less than twenty minutes before she showed up, so I needed to book it home. I barely made eye contact with Mr. Conan as I left. I could see near betrayal in his brown irises as I, his favorite student, rudely left with out the homework.

I was spiderman fast as I yanked my locker open and grabbed my backpack, rushing to the doors of the school.

"Hey Peter wait u-"

"Sorry Ned, see you tomorrow!" I rushed and made my escape. My home was about ten minutes away, but I continued to run just to be sure.

Finally, I would do something good as Peter. Something someone will thank me for. Don't worry, May. I am the guardian of the garden.

I saw my building, it was right in my sights. Quickly, I ran to the corner she always turned down and webbed my backpack to the brick wall behind the trash. I would catch her right here.

"It's getting old, Kid!" I heard May's voice yell as footprints darted in my direction. She was coming, and very quickly. I barely caught a glimpse of her face before her body very harshly connected with mine.

Unlike her, I expected the collision, so as she fell, I did not. It sounded painful, as she made a loud 'oof' as she ran into my chest. As I glared down at her worried features, I almost felt bad.

"Why are you stealing our flowers?" I growled at her. She glanced up at me in fear, her (your color eyes) eyes catching me off guard a bit. They didn't hold rebellion like I thought they would, but sorrow. She looked naturally distraught.

She stood up to her feet, attempting a get away, but I was too quick. I grabbed her arm and kept her here.

"Why are you stealing?!" I said a bit harsher.

"Let go of me!" She yelled back.

"I hope who ever you're stealing these for is worth it. In fact, I'd love to see their reaction of the roses you so kindly STOLE for them." I was being a bit too harsh, but when it came to May, I was dead serious. She worked her tail off for both of us, and gardening was her way of feeling free. I would not let some punk ass ruin it for her.

"Get real." She growled, trying to break free of my hold.

"Take me with you." I demanded cruelly. "Let's see if they know these flowers were stolen."

"Are you joking? No! Leave me alone." She was matching my anger.

"Fine, let's see what the cops think of this pity situation."

"Over a flower?!" She cried out, still trying to  wiggle free from my grasp.

"Try petty theft and destruction of property." I stretched, hoping she didn't know the police would certainly not care about this at all.

"Fine, asshole." I smiled in triumph as she agreed. "One condition." She added.

"What." I demanded again.

She held up the hand with the rose. "Let me keep this."


Hope you enjoyed!

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