Jumping to Conclusions

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I kept a close eye on her as she lead me down the road that she supposedly ran down all the time.

Stay sharp Peter, it could be a trap.

The girl seemed to be my age, but very socially closed up. She didn't speak unless spoken too, she didn't say where we were going. She just lead the way.

She didn't carry anything other than the rose. No backpack, no phone. She must not come directly from school like I do.

"I never caught your name." I stated, catching up to her. She was only a step or two in front of me but I wanted to make sure that I was there if she tried to get away. Who was she bringing this too? A boyfriend maybe?

When she didn't answer, I scoffed.

"Well, my name is Peter."

"Okay." She stated before making a sudden turn.

Imagine my confusion and concern when we stood in front of the Queens Cemetery.

"What are we-"

"Shh." She interrupted me and walked in. I looked around at the many tombstones, feeling heavy in my chest. Why did she bring me here?

She walked on the trail, careful not to disrespect any of the property. Oh, now she gave a crap? I found myself about to roll my eyes, but this doesn't seem like a good time.

The girl suddenly stopped and bent down.

"Hey Mom..." She whispered, setting the rose down on the dirt. The grave was so new, grass hadn't had the chance to grow back yet.

Shit, I was such an asshole...

I felt my anger become one of understanding as I watched her. When she was talking to her mom, all of that social tension cleared away.

"Just like I promised, a rose everyday this week. I miss you... so much." A tear fell from her eyes as she stood up at me.

"Go ahead." She snapped. "Tell her what you wanted too." Her glare. She wasn't mad at me, but the world.

I looked at the grave and decided it was best to just apologize.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I had no idea..." I looked at the grave.

"Y/n." She spoke, another tear sliding down her face like melting snow.


"My name is Y/n."


"I feel like a jerk now..." I spoke softly as my legs kicked softly over the edge.

"You should." Y/n spoke, staring at the water below us. The air was cooling and blew her (your texture and color hair) lightly. There was a brown, wooden bridge in the cemetery that we had silently walked too, where a stream beautifully trailed below.

When she sat down on the edge, I decided to sit near her. Something about her felt welcoming, but also troubled. I was no longer upset with her, almost as if I understood her.

I looked down at my palms as she said that, way to go Peter.

"It's okay. You didn't know. I shouldn't have stolen those roses." She sighed, glancing at me momentarily.

"Why did you?" I asked, more out of curiosity than blame.

She continued to stare, as if thinking about something.

"My mother," she started. "Passed away a week ago. Couple of days ago was her funeral. I couldn't afford flowers so..." But that was all she said.

"How old are you?" I asked, wondering why she couldn't afford it. She looked like a teenager who could get a job, so why not be able to buy a cheap set of flowers?

"I'm seventeen."

"No job?" I asked her. I didn't feel like I was prying into her life. If she ever didn't feel like answering, she stayed silent. She never gave away information on her own, only when asked. It was like she didn't know how to be social at all.

"I got let go."

"Why?" I asked. Okay now I might have been prying.

"You ask a lot of questions." She spoke quietly. I nodded and decided to stop bugging her. She didn't know me, or me her, so I understand her discomfort.

I watched her casually lean over to check my watch before she stood up. I followed her moves as she walked away.

"I'll see you around, Peter." She said her strange goodbyes, and started her walk out of the place. When she was out of sight, I could feel the creepiness of the graveyard begin to set in. She came alone all the time, she must have. How could she handle this feeling?

It was a dark feeling, and a heavy one at that.

I swallowed saliva in my mouth as I began walking out as well. Today's events were very strange, but I didn't feel angry anymore. I almost felt her sorrow with her. I know how it felt to lose a close family member, three in my case.

I didn't want her to be alone through this. Did she have other friends? Perhaps I should have just stayed out of it.

Who knows what I could have just opened up.



the first few chapters will be fairly short, but they will get longer :D

I hope you enjoyed!

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