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"Y/n," I spoke as we both just sat in silence.

She hummed as an answer but kept looking down.

"Your father shouldn't treat you like that."

"Funny, just last week someone else told me that." She muttered. Yea, it was me. "Look he's... he isn't that bad." Her pursed lips told me he was. "He's just going through a lot with my mom dying and- he got a new job and such so it's just difficult right now."

"What's his job?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I don't know, I'm not allowed to be there when his coworkers are over." She sighed.

Well that totally isn't suspicious.

I simply nodded, but kept a note of that in the back of my head. Our phones both buzzed in our pockets, and we pulled them out simultaneously.

Hey, Liz is having a party this weekend,
she said we could go.

Even me?

Yes, even you (Your favorite fruit) girl.

Ned has changed Y/n to (your favorite fruit)

Very funny.

"Do you wanna go?" I asked her, smiling at the conversation.

She shrugged and stood up. "I don't really like social events." I stood up easily and walked after her. She always left with out announcing it, so strange. Irish goodbye.

"Did you really mean the things you said?" I asked her.

"About what?"

"Me being so important to you?" I was scared of her answer.

"Well... yeah." She stammered, playing with her hands. Her scabs were gone now, but the habit was not. I quickly grabbed her hand, stopping her from making any more wounds out of anxiety.

"You're important to me too." By the time I stopped to say this, we were in front of her door.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I asked as I looked at her door. She nodded innocently before I dropped her hand.

She turned around to walk inside, but whipped around and hugged me tight, just like in the cemetery. "Thank you. For everything." She whispered before kissing my cheek.

She scurried off into the house and lightly closed her door, leaving me there with a smile on my probably blushing face.

Such a small gesture that meant to much to me...

As soon as I knew she was safe in the house, I flung myself up onto a building with my web shooter, my stomach being taken over with butterflies. Why did I feel like this after such a simple thing?

I made my way home quickly, but as soon as I got there, I heard a distress call from a gadget I got from Mr. Stark. I creeped in through my window and closed my bedroom door, just in case May was home, before putting on my suit.

The thing buzzed again, so I listened to it.

"All units within the area, we have a hostage situation down at the mall. All units please check in."

It was a police scanner.

I hopped back out of my window and quickly slung to the location, ready to kick some ass.

As I arrived, before the police, I silently opened the door and crawled up to the ceiling. A hostage situation, just like Y/n's mother.

No, I wouldn't let anyone else die.

Check all surroundings, Peter. Get everything.

There were four men, and three hostages. They were just in the entrance, what did they want?

"Mark, get over here." The one, more than likely the leader, called. Mark, who's face I couldn't see through the mask, grabbed a hostage from the boss and yanked him to the side.

All of the hostages were grown men, but people none the less.

A gun suddenly went off, but it was like no other. An orange beam shot into the air, releasing a giant hole into the ceiling, way too close to me.

"What did I say about keeping a low profile?!" The boss yelled and punched one of his own men across the face.

"Ah! We already tripped the alarm!" The punched guy yelled and held his face angrily.

"We gotta get out of here," Mark said. His voice... why did I know his voice?

"You can run, but you can't hide!" I shouted, shooting a web at a gun pointed at a hostage. I threw the gun away from the man, and webbed him to the wall. This alarmed the other men, who scrambled for weapons.

"Not so fast!" I dropped to the ground and kicked one in the face, sending him sprawled across the ground in an unconscious manner.

Two down, two to go.

"Go go go!" Mark yelled, shoving a hostage down. I shot a web at him and yanked him closer to me.

"Where'd you get this kind of technology?" I asked as I lifted him by the collar. He brought his fist down, something like brass knuckles covering it, and punched me.

I was forced to let him go as the knuckles threw me across the room with electricity. Mark got injured a small bit, his mask sizzling along with some skin underneath.

"What the hell was that?!" I asked as I got back to my feet, glass surrounding us all. The hostages were quick to hide behind the counters so luckily I could focus on these wackjobs.

"Oh no you don't." I webbed the door shut as they tried to exit.

"Boss, you take over. I'll keep them off your trail." The punched guy stated. Mark nodded and ran down the hall and to the fire escape.

Police sirens were near, and the lights could be seen.

I tried to go after Mark, but the leader jumped in my way and pulled out a different weird gun. He turned it on and threw me into the air and let me go. Over and over again, up and down, he rammed my body into the ground.

The pain of my bruises was enough to set me off, so I shot a web at the barrel of the gun and closed it off, sending me into a free fall to the ground.

I webbed him underneath me, allowing a small break in my fall. He groaned as he stuck to the ground and I rolled off of him.

"Where did you get these weapons?" I growled, grabbing his hair.

"We make them, douchebag." He spit in my direction. I let his head fall as watched the officers come through a side down, surrounding us with guns.

"Freeze!" A cop yelled at me.

"At ease, it's Spiderman." The chief spoke.

I nodded at him before running out of the door to look for Mark. Why was he so damn familiar?


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