Cherry Blossom

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As soon as the battle was over, me bruised up and sore, Tony agreed to let me go home.

It had only been a couple days, not the entire week, but I was anxious to get home. After a private jet ride with Tony, we transferred to a car and returned to my place.

"Happy," He spoke to the driver, who had been looking after me this whole trip. "Why don't you take Peter's case out for him."

My jaw dropped as I realized what he just said.

"I can keep the suit?" I nearly whispered.

"Yeah, it's what we just talked about." He was referring to me needing an upgrade.

"When is our next 'retreat'?" I asked, putting quotes in the air.

"What like, mission?" Tony clarified. I nodded. "Someone will call you."

Happy knocked on the window and I offered to take up the case myself. With more words exchanged, Tony reached over and opened the door.

Awkwardly enough, I thought he was hugging me, so I wrapped my arms around him.

"Nope, not a hug. I'm just getting the door. We aren't there yet." I nodded as he spoke and left the car.

As soon as I was out, Happy sped away with a squeal of the tires.

"They're gunna call me." I smiled. This was the Spiderman I'd always wanted to be. I could do so much more than just stop robberies.


It's only Tuesday.

Luckily, I had only missed yesterday and Friday. None the less, my body was in agony with all the bruises I still had. Even sitting in this lame History class made me hurt.

"Miss Y/l/n not here, again." Ms. Nelson clicked her tongue. "There's only two weeks left, you'd think kids would hang in there." She muttered to herself as she walked past me.

Two weeks; Finals were coming.

"Y/n hasn't been here?" I asked over my shoulder to Ned. He shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows.

"You guys have left me at a table alone with Michelle for too long." he groaned.

I smiled at him before turning back to my work, attempting to catch up.

The Stark Internship, it's gunna be an amazing excuse when I needed to do anything Spiderman related.

Eventually, lunch rolled around, it once again being so empty with out Y/n.

Why was she gone? And the entire time I was... I hope she was okay.


School had ended for the day, and I could not stop the unsettling feeling in my stomach. Y/n had not answered any of my texts all day, so I needed to make sure she was okay. Her bruised eye, her father yelling, I should have been a better friend. If she isn't okay, I don't know what I'd do.

I walked up to her door, gut spinning with anxiety. Would she want to see me? Is her dad home? Is she mad at me?

Despite all these thoughts, I knocked on the door. Barely a few seconds passed before the door ripped open.

"H-hello sir," I started, looking up at the man carefully. He had a hard, wrinkled face and a scar across his cheek. He definitely looked mean.

"Can I help you?" He was wiping oil off of his hands, as if he had been working in the garage.

"Is Y/n here?" I asked.

He screamed her name up a set of stairs by the door before looking back at me. Slowly, she came down the stairs, eyes glued to the floor.

"What?" She asked. "What did I do now?"

When she looked up at me, she was shocked, startled even.

I gave her a light smile as she looked at her dad.

"Can I go?" She asked.

"Sure." He answered before walking away. She walked outside and closed the door, very slowly and carefully as if she was afraid to be yelled at.

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same." She stuck her hands in her jacket pockets and stared at the ground.

"I had the internship..." I spoke.

"Yeah, thanks for ditching by the way." She said coldly. "You could have at least said something."

"I'm sorry, I was so excited I forgot to tell you. I also forgot to tell Ned, so please don't overthink it. It was an accident." I ranted.

"It's fine." She sighed out. "How'd it go?"

"Well this weekend was just the retreat part, its gunna go on for, well, ever I guess. It was awesome though. I really felt like I was doing something good." I spoke honestly.

She gave me a soft smile.

"Why were you crying when you came over on friday?" I asked as we began walking to who knows where.

"I wasn't." She pursed her lips.

"May said you were."

"Let's go to the bridge." She spoke softly. I knew she would tell me there. That was her comfort spot.

The walk always took about ten minutes, and we were always silent the entire way. It was like she was collecting her thoughts.

The cherry blossoms were coming into bloom, pink petals already beginning to fall off. She sat on the edge of the small bridge, watching the water like a cat trying to catch a fish.

"I was about to come over on friday, my dad and I had just gotten into a fight. So when I left, I slammed the door. I should have known better. He gets so fucking mad. He came out and yelled that he never wanted me, that I was a mistake, but mom wanted to keep me." She explained, staring at the water like a memory.

My mouth hung open at those words. That was too far. I sat next to her, very close, and watched her face as she spoke.

"So when I came over I was expecting you- you told me to come over." Tears came to her eyes as she showed this emotion to me. "I knew that all I needed was to see you, to be near you. But you weren't there. I thought you left, like my mom, like anyone else I've known. You were just gone, no explanation. I know it's so stupid, I've only just met you, but you are my first real friend and I-"

I stopped her rambling with a hug. By now, she had tears cascading down her pink cheeks. She was so badly hurt by her life that she hugged me back tightly and allowed herself to cry into me.

"I'm sorry." She sniffed.

"No, I'm sorry Y/n. I didn't know." I spoke quietly to her. I held her hair softly in my hands as I hugged her tight. (If you don't have hair: I traced light patterns across her back as hugged her tight.

Finally, someone that needed me as PETER and not Spiderman.


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