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The wood under Ned's fingertips was soft as he traced patterns into it, waiting for his turn to play jeopardy. Everyone was very excited that you suggested it, as it gave a chance to practice AND have fun. 

Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz. 

Ned's phone buzzed in his pocket. As he took it out and looked at the ID, he was glad it was on silent. 

"Peter! Where are you?" Ned whispered into the phone. Peter's ringtone was loud yodeling, which would be very awkward in this situation. 

"Agh, Ned!" Peter groaned into the phone. 

"What's wrong?" Ned answered with a question. 

"I need you to track my phone. You're at practice, right?"

"Yeah, and you aren't. What's up?" He spoke. 

"Y/n's dad is the Vulture." Peter stated. Ned shot up from his seat loudly, causing the whole team to stare at him. 

Quick, come up with an excuse to leave... He thought to himself. 

"I need to go to the bathroom!"


"Okay," Ned started, rolling a chair up to the computer desk. "I'm in the library, what do you need me to do?"

"I need you to track my phone." Peter rushed into the phone.

Ned pulled up a website for 'track my iphone' and was quick to type in Peter's apple ID as he gave it to him. 

"Okay, it's heading down fourth street. What's going on?" Ned asked. 

Peter made a heaving noise into the phone as he shot a web, going in the direction that Ned stated. 

"I gotta tell Mr. Stark. Can you call Happy Hogan? He's Mr. Stark's head of security." Peter stated, blowing past Ned's question. 

"Will you be okay?" The friend asked as he logged into another computer and got onto the page for Happy's number. 

"Hurry! We gotta catch him before he gets away!" Peter yelled breathlessly as after Ned told him to turn left. 

"He just went past the gamestop on Jackson Avenue." Ned stated, dialing the number onto his own phone. 

"Have you gotten through to Happy yet?" Peter breathed out, a full chase in action. 

"I'm working on it." Ned stated, listening to the ringing as he put Peter on speakerphone. "Guy in the chair..." he added with a whisper as he spun around. 

"Get those last things loaded on the plane! Hello? Hello? Who Is this?" Happy picked up with a cranky tone. 

"Mr. Happy, it's Ned." He rushed out. 


"I'm an associate of Peter Parker. I have something very important to tell you-" He was interrupted.

"You gotta be shitting me." Happy spoke very unhappily before hanging up. 


"Where now?" Peter asked out loud as he settled onto a building, looking around desperately. 

Ned studied the tracker before answering. "He stopped at an old Industrial park in Brooklyn." 

"I reached Mr. Happy- don't think he likes you by the way. He didn't sound happy, in fact rather busy. Talking about loading things on the plane." 

"Plane?" Peter spoke in a confused tone as he rushed to the spot. "Plane! Oh my god it's moving day- he's gunna rob that plane! I gotta stop him!"

"Peter are you okay?" Ned asked, not sure what to do next. 

"Yeah, just keep trying to get a hold of Happy." 

"It's been an honor Spiderman." Ned smiled as he redialed the number. 


I spotted the building, it looking more like an abandoned parking garage than a park, and swooped in. 

"Hey! Surprised?" I yelled as I spotted Markus. 

"Oh, I didn't hear you come in." He smiled as he faced me. He didn't seem fazed at all. 

"It's over, I got you." I hissed out. 

"You know, Kid. I really really admire your grit. However, you're young. You don't understand how the world works yet." Markus spoke. 

"I understand you're selling illegal weapons. And what about you're daughter?"I yelled out.All the pent up rage I had been holding back was slowly leaking out like a broken faucet. 

The way he treated Y/n, the way he spoke to me like a child, the people that got hurt and almost died on the boat. It was all because of him.

"Ah leave that Mutt out of this." He chuckled. My blood boiled at his words. "How do you think your buddy Stark paid for that tower? Or any of his little toys? Those people... those people up there, the rich and the powerful, they do whatever they want. Guys like us, like you and me, they don't care about us. We build their roads, and we fight all their wars, and everything, but they don't care about us. We have to pick up after them. We have to eat their table scraps. That's how it is. I know you know what I'm talking about."

"Why are you telling me this?" I stopped his crazy rant. 

"Because I want you to understand. And... I needed a little time to get her airborn." He smirked. I heard an almost ear piercing, machinery screech behind me. 

As I turned around to look, it came right at me. 

His metal wingsuit. 


More action yaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!

ILY and I hope you all enjoyed this. I feel like even though we have all seen the movie, this is still such a cliff hanger because at any second I could change what happens, and I did say the book was ending soon... 

huehuehue *Evil laughter*

Really though thank you all so so so much for reading!

Much love!

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