A month

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"Okay, we need to run some drills today but first, let me welcome Y/n to the academic team!" Liz spoke as we all sat at the round table. The principal was astounded by Y/n's SAT scores and recommended she join our team. Today, she was giving it a chance.

"Isn't it too late to join? School is almost over." Flash stated, looking at her. "Not that I mind." He winked.

Ned watched me as I nearly growled, feeling jealousy in my chest. Woah Peter, calm down. Just because she kissed your cheek last night, doesn't make her yours. She was just appreciative.

Speaking of the kiss, we haven't even talked since. She was talking to the principal all during lunch so we didn't have any time. What if she didn't want to talk about it, or maybe it wasn't a big deal to her?'


"Flash is an idiot." Abraham stated after ringing the bell.

"Correct." Michelle answered, her face shoved in a book.

"What did I say about ringing the bell for comedy?" Mr. Harrington, the teacher, asked.

"Flash, this club goes all through summer, that's why DC is in a month." Liz sighed. "THEN it's over. If she can prove herself, she can join the team." Flash, for some reason, glared at me when everyone attacked him.

Liz made us run drills, giving everybody a turn with the bell and answering questions. Holy hell was Y/n smart. Whenever she was up, she answered 98% of the questions. It was amazing.

"She's definitely coming with us." Ned stated, giving her a high five. She smiled at everyone and I could tell she felt genuinely happy.

"Who would have known the home schooled girl would do so well." Flash stated, talking to her on the sidelines. I was sat behind the bell, taking my turn with Abraham, Ned and Sally on final death.

Little could Flash and Y/n know, my hearing could pick them up.

"Yeah well, there's nothing wrong with being home schooled." She stated and sat down at a table.

"Yeah sure. Hey listen, Prom is coming up. I was wondering if you had a date?" My blood boiled in my ears, causing me to miss out on the questions Liz was asking.

"I don't really do dances." She spoke.

"Have you ever been to one?" He asked. She shook her head and looked at him.

"Well how about giving one a try, wanna go with me?" She seemed like she did want to go, but she didn't know him well. Don't do it Y/n, don't.

"I guess." She stated half assed, not really caring.

"Peter are you okay?" Liz asked. I didn't notice I had even stood up, my fists clenched at my sides. She was going to go with that Douchebag? Why didn't I ask her?!

"I need to go." I grumbled to Liz, grabbing my backpack and kicking my chair back a foot.

"There's still ten minutes until it's over!" She responded, but I left none the less. Ned followed me out, considering May was giving us both a ride to the mall afterwords to buy new lego sets.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked as we got outside.

"Flash is taking Y/n to prom." I stated.

"Oh..." He frowned. We sat down on the school court wall while we waited for May.

"Why didn't you ask her?" He stated.

"Geez Ned, I didn't think of it until he brought it up." I sighed, running my hands over my face. "I've never had interest in going until now."

"I think you should tell her you like her." he suggested.

"I can't now." I said. "I want her to have a good prom."


Short chapter but thanks for reading!

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