(Your favorite fruit here)

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"Peter, you're going to be late!" May knocked on my door furiously as she walked by. I groaned and sat up in my bed, dreading school.

Sure, I was a smart kid with a lot going for me, but it doesn't help the fact that I was tired as hell. I was up all night thinking about Y/n and what I could do, but nothing came to mind.

I groaned again as I climbed from my bed and stood on the ground. Spiderman was laying there, causing me to wake up instantly and shove it lazily into the ceiling. That could have been close.

I yanked on a pair of jeans and a random pizza shirt, with cheesy math puns on it.

I placed a simple blue zipup overtop of it and opened my door. I had ten minutes to get to school.

"Want me to take you?" May asked as I yanked on some tennies.

"No, traffic will make me late. Running is best. Love you bye!" I ran out of the doorway, barely managing to grab my backpack.

I darted out the door and began a five minute run to school.

Please don't be late...


I managed to make it to school, but even to lunch I still felt the anxiety from it. Being late was such a hard thing for me to deal with, considering I was a good student. I'm sure it wouldn't be a big deal since I had never been late before, but I didn't want to take my chances.

Y/n sat across from me, her and Ned talking about something I didn't pick up on. She didn't have lunch today,even if she usually just ate fruit.

"No (your favorite fruit)?" I asked. Conversations always started with questions between us. When would she start one on her own?

She shook her head and looked at her palms. God, we were at a stand still.

How would I get to know her better? She didn't have a phone so we couldn't text or anything. I only ever saw her at school and last night.

"Ned, do you still have that old iphone 6?" I asked him, thinking of a great idea.

"Yeah, it's actually in my backpack. I was going to sell it to Michelle but she said she was kidding so. That's cool." He rolled his eyes.

"Never trust her." I laughed. "I have thirty, can I buy it?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. Don't know why though, you already have one." I didn't answer him but rather watched Y/n pick at her scabs,

"Don't pick at them," I gently pulled her hands away from each other. The roses must have really punctured her. I remember her harsh grip on them, and seeing the blood. I didn't know a flower could do so much mental and physical damage.

"Hey, how did you get money to pay for those roses for May?" I asked, thinking back to last night. I didn't even realize I had still been holding her hands apart. She didn't seem to mind, or maybe she was too distracted with the question.

As she thought of an answer, I noticed how soft her hands were, despite the wounds.

"I sold some stuff and got some cash." Was all she said. I was very curious as to what she needed money for, but decided against asking her.

"Can I come over tomorrow?" She asked suddenly, looking down and playing with my fingers. This touch, it felt so natural and normal, like it didn't matter that it was us two.

Ned caught my attention, nodding frantically for me to tell her yes.

"Y-yeah sure." I answered, watching her closely. She nodded and spoke again. "I would ask today but, I'm grounded."

Grounded? For what? She had not done anything wrong last night, I knew that first hand.

"You little trouble maker."I teased her. She lightened up a bit, and I decided right then and there that this girl that trouble followed definitely meant something special to me.


Okay so the next chapter is when Civil War comes into play, and then homecoming, but I have to change things up because of the whole Liz thing. So just work with me here okay :D

It'll kinda be a remake of homecoming

Anyways, thank you for reading! <3

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