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~~~ Two Weeks Later~~~


"Will you go dress shopping with me?" Y/n blurted out as we sat on my bedroom floor. Ned raised his eyebrows and looked between us. "Please guys." She begged. "I've never... I've never been to a dance before. I don't know how any of this works."

School was coming to a close, we only had about two days left, and prom was tomorrow. Finals were finished, homework was done, it was pretty much useless to go to school Monday and Tuesday. Tomorrow was Saturday.


"Yeah sure we'd love to help out!" Ned interrupted me. "May could give us a ride!"

"I don't think she-"

"MAY CAN YOU TAKE US PROM SHOPPING?!" Ned yelled over top of me.

I was trying to stop from getting into this mess. I wanted her to have a fantastic prom, I really cared about her, but seeing her in a dress that she will be wearing with FLASH was not something I could handle.

Damn it, why didn't I ask her?

Aunt May practically ran into my room, breathing heavily with excitement.

"Yes. Let's go now." She left quickly.

"...Like right now?" Y/n asked, getting nervous.

"NOW!" May yelled through the room.


I didn't even want to go to prom.


"This color will go good with you. Oh but this one will really show your curves! This will make your eyes pop! Take this one too, I wanna see it on."

May was throwing dresses at Y/n like she was a designer as we stood in a shop. She looked so helpless, it was kind of adorable.

"Okay, the changing room is right there, let me know when you need me to zip you up." May smiled and nearly shoved her behind the curtain.

"Okay boys." She clapped her hands. "Let's get someone to fit some tuxes for you."

"What?" I nearly jumped out of my seat as she said this. "I-I'm not going." I stated. Ned nudged me and shook his head.

"You gotta go. Even I'm going." He frowned.

"You aren't going with Y/n?" May seemed shocked. As she looked between Ned and I for an answer.

I shook my head and looked down. "Flash asked her."

"Well that's every more a reason for you to go. You and I both know she's going to need you there, especially if she's going with that fuckboy."

"May!" I scolded her, but couldn't resist a smile. She shrugged before motioning for me to get up.

"She needs you Pete." She convinced me. I sighed and stood up, allowing her to drag me to the lady to measure me. With a ton of awkward touches for Ned and I both, we had our tuxes ready to go.

"AH!" May gasped. I looked over to the changing room to see her staring behind the curtain, a huge smile on her face. "That's the one!"

I pulled up a sleeve on my tux, adjusting it slightly, and waited to see what she was talking about. Y/n walked from behind the curtain, and I nearly fell over.

The dress was stunning. It was (insert ideal dream prom dress/tux here in great great detail) and she looked astounding.

"Wow..." I breathed out as she walked up to us, the mirror was beside us. Even Ned looked at her with awe.

"You don't think it's too much?" She asked, spinning around in the mirror and looking at every piece of it.

Ned and I shook our heads, it was perfect.

"Close your mouths boys, you'll catch flies." May teased as she walked by.

"I'll take it I guess."


With bags of prom things in our hands, garters, ties, shoes, tuxes, pocket squares, jewelry and more, we were exhausted as we walked into my apartment.

"What a long day..." I groaned as we piled into my room. Y/n was staring down at her dress, almost smiling.

"I hope it'll be worth it." She sighed.

"It will," I took her hand in mine and gave her a reassuring squeeze. She smiled at me before her and Ned both decided it was time to go.

"Oh Y/n dear, come over early so I can do your makeup and help you all get ready. I got corsages so don't worry about it. When is Flash picking you up?" May asked as Y/n put her shoes on.

"He said he would pick me up here at around noon so, that's nice." She said.

"Are you going out for dinner?" May asked.

Y/n simply shrugged. "I don't know how this works so I'm just gunna follow Flash's lead."

That made my skin crawl, what if he lead her on, or forced her to do something that she didn't want too? Would she just go with it?

It was good that May was forcing me to go because I needed to keep a close eye on her. Flash was a senior, so luckily we wouldn't have to deal with him next year.

"Just make sure you stay safe." May hugged her. She nodded and turned to me.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled at me. I nodded and opened the door for her. As she walked past me, she looked at me a final time, as if debating something.

But when she looked and saw Ned and May watching her, she changed her mind.

"Bye Pete..." She sounded a bit disappointed. Did she plan to kiss my cheek again? Damn it Ned and May!

"Bye Y/n/n" I called her a nickname I never had before. She smiled at it before turning to leave.

Flash, watch out. Treat her right. I'm watching you.


Thank you for reading!

Happy Summer!

Just so everyone knows, this book may be kinda simple and cute for a while, but I have humongous, plot twisting events that will happen so hang in there!

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