Mask On

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You laid awake in your hotel bed, glad to have a room to yourself rather than with one of the other girls. It wasn't that you disliked them, you'd just rather be alone than with another girl. Girls were mean.

Eyes trained to the dark ceiling, you couldn't find the will to sleep. Something felt very off, but you didn't know what.

Maybe it's just nerves for the decathalon, you thought to yourself. Or how easily attached I am to Peter.

You tossed onto your side, staring at the alarm clock the hotel probably provided to every room.

2:26 AM

You ignored the urge to go to Peter's room. You wouldn't want to disturb his sleep, seeing as though he was incredibly jittery and nervous. It wouldn't be right for you to interrupt a possibly peaceful slumber, especially for your own benefit.

You tossed to your other side, not wanting to see the numbers taunting you.


You didn't understand how one guy could be so honest and pure; He was your everything, despite knowing him for such a short time. Something about him just gave you safe vibes, and you always felt so at peace around him.

Maybe you were too attached...

That was probably the real reason you couldn't sleep.

"Come on Y/n." You grumbled to yourself. "You are your own person and so is he. Go to sleep."



"Ow my head..." I groaned as I opened my eyes. I noticed my vision a little more controlled than usual, so I knew I had my mask on.

"You appear to have a mild concussion." Karen spoke suddenly, yet I didn't flinch. I stood up to my feet, slowly and holding my head, and looked around. Look at all of the stuff!

It was a whole bunch of high tech crap, in seemingly cages as if they were loose canons.

"Hey, so where am I right now?" I asked, tapping the walls.

"I'm not sure. The container walls are hindering my sensors." Karen spoke calmly. I, however, wasn't calm.

"Wait a minute." I thought aloud. "They must have hijacked the truck and taken me to their evil lair! Okay, Karen, we're gonna have to fight our way out of this one." I stared at what seemed to be the entrance thingy of the crate and took a running stance.

"Three, two, one!" I ran full speed and lunged into the door with my shoulder, the entire thing crumbling down. I got ready to fight, but stood like a normal human as I saw what was around me.

I was in a huge building- a warehouse looking thing. There were many of the same crates that I was trapped in, some stacked up and some laid out randomly.

"What is this place? Karen, where am I?" I continued to look around.

"You're in the most secure facility on the eastern seaboard. The Damage Control deep storage vault." She spoke.

"No... Seriously?" I kept looking around in awe.

"The door will most likely remain closed until morning." Her words made my heart drop.



Out of breath from my childish, time passing game of spiderweb jump rope, I laid on top of a crate and stared at the beams that made up the ceiling.

I was more bored than anything, which was wrong. I should have been more concerned about time. If I miss the decathalon, I will let everyone down. Mostly Y/n.

I remember how bummed she was when I told her I wasn't going to be going, incase Mr. Stark needed me. Now look where I was- trapped in one of him warehouses.

Ironic, right?

"Hey, how long we been here?" I asked Karen as I absent mindedly played with the zipper on my backpack.

"Thirty-seven minutes."

"What?!" I shouted and sat up. "Thirty-seven minutes? That's insane. I cannot take this anymore. I got to- I gotta get out of here." I hopped from the crate and went into it, not feeling like breaking another crate. No way he would doubt I did this- he's probably got millions of robots chilling in every corner for security.

"There's got to be something in here I can use." I began digging through all the junk on the floor.

"Okay, let's see. Nope." I moved a metal thing out of my way.

"That's awesome." I moved some robot head away.

I suddenly pulled out a similar object to the one Ned and I dissected. "Hey, it's like the glowy thing!"

"That glowy thing is an explosive Chitauri energy core." Karen spoke as if I were an idiot.

"You mean, we've been carrying around a bomb?!" I shouted, putting it down way too harshly considering it were a bomb.

"It would require radiation to transform it into an explosive state." She spoke.

"No, no, no!" I darted out of the bin and shot a web to the humongous garage like door. "Hey! Please!"

I was banging furiously on it as if someone would hear me.

"Please, somebody let me out! Hey! Karen, you have to help me override that time lock."


"Okay Karen, lower the voltage and run it..." I tried, hanging upside down on the electric panel.

"Trial unsuccessful." She spoke. I growled to myself and crossed off the list I had, pushing some buttons on the keypad.

"Okay, we are just going to have to try every sequence..." I wanted to rub the back of my neck anxiously, that idea being a long and painful one.

Not now! You aren't the awkward Peter, you are Spiderman.

Eventually it got to the point of "Initiating trial 247."

I crossed my gloved fingers. We had been at this for hours, feeling like days.

They were all gong to be so pissed at me for missing the deca- no! They have the bomb- that's more important!

The building shook a little, and as I looked at the gates, I saw them opening.

"It's working... it worked!" I yelled, ignoring the trucks lined up to enter. I was as fast as a Spider to crawl out the top and dart into the air.

"Karen, get me to decathalon as fast as possible." I demanded, looking around aimlessly.

"Sure thing, just tell me where it is."

Across the street from the Washington Monument."

Whipping out my phone, skillfully swinging where Karen said too, I was quick  to dial Ned's phone.

"It'd Ned, leave a message." His voicemail chanted before a beep. Damn it!

Cars drove to their destinations below me as I kept going, no time to watch.

"Call me back, the glowy thing's a bomb!" I yelled, not very subtly.

I'm coming, Y/n. I won't let you get hurt...


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