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I opened the door, slowly as to not make too much noise, and looked around. All of the lights were off,  telling me May was probably in bed. 

With Y/n's hand in mine, we tip-toed in, still a little wet from the long swim. Her hand was on my back as I guided her through the dark room. 

As soon as we got to the couch, a light turned on and stopped us dead in our tracks. 

"Peter Benjamin Parker. Where have you been?" Aunt May's stern voice drew my attention to the kitchen table. Y/n and I looked at her, seeing her arms folded over her chest and legs crossed. She softened up as she saw Y/n behind me. 

"I'm sorry May..." I started, standing like a normal person rather than one creeping around in the dark. "Y/n and I went on a date and I didn't bring my phone." 

"Well," She sighed, cutting me some slack. I could see in her eyes that she wanted to talk. "Why don't you go get dried off." She smiled. 

We nodded and began walking to my room. 

"Not you." She stopped us again. I sighed and looked at Y/n. 

"I'll be right in." I smiled gently at her. She nodded before letting go of my hand and walking into my room. 

I turned back to May, an innocent smile on my face in hopes of her not yelling at me. 

"Date?" She asked. 

"Yeah..." I rubbed the back of my neck. May simply smiled at me, as if proud.

"Is she staying the night again?" She asked. 

"Actually," I started, walking into the dinning room and taking a seat across from her.  "I wanted to talk to you about that."

She gave me a questioning look before interlacing her fingers and sitting up in a ready-to-talk position. 

"Can she stay with us?" I asked with no hesitation. 


"Aunt May, her father kicked her out. She has no where to go- no job, no mom."

"Peter you don't understand the liability and legalization this will take. The only way she could stay here is if we adopt her, which takes years to get on a list and full house calls and background checks. On top of that if she were adopted into us, you would not be able to take her on dates." She sighed. 

"No no no!" I stopped her. "She's my age, she's legally able to leave home. She just... she doesn't have anywhere else to go. May please..." I begged. 

She gave me a sad look as she studied my face and thought for a few moments. I hated putting her on the spot like this, but I had no choice. 

"Fine." She gave in. "But as an adult, I can not let her live in your room. We can make up the guest room into her room and-"  She stood up. 

"May May May, I will do everything. All of it, tomorrow." 

"Peter." She groaned. I was asking so much of her tonight, I felt kind of bad. 

"We had such an amazing day, I want to end it on a good note." I pleaded. 

Once again, she looked at me for a few moments before giving in. 

"Okay... okay. But you are doing it all!" She pointed a finger at me. I couldn't help the smile on my face as she spoke. 

"Yes yes of course!" 

"Now get in there and make sure that girl doesn't catch pneumonia!" She bossed me. 

"Yes ma'am." The smile stayed on my face. 

I was quick to get up from the chair and nearly skipped to my room. I was way too ecstatic about the kiss, but did it mean as much to her as it did to me?

It was just a simple kiss, and we were simple teenagers, but with her I felt so different. A good different, of course. 

Y/n had her problems, as did everyone else, but she was someone who I could help as Peter, and she was so open with me. It made both of us feel great, as if we were meant for one another. 

As I walked into the room, I spotted her with a towel, grabbing her hair in attempt to dry it. She was in her undergarments, the same ones we swam in. 

She squeaked and covered her front with the towel as she saw I was in the room. A blush spread over her face, while a smile just covered mine. She was so cute...

"Peter!" She gasped, wiggling to cover more of herself. 

"Awe come on (your nickname). It's not like I didn't just spend hours with you like that." I teased.

"It... it's different!" She blushed harder. I rolled my eyes playfully at her and walked to my closet. I pulled out a t-shirt and some shorts and gave them to her. Her embarrassment slowly became a small smile as she took them from me and stretched the shirt over her head. 

I noticed the scars that lined her ribs as she stretched her arms up and into the sleeve holes, as well as those on her thighs. As the shirt came over her head, I saw there was only one on her wrists, but it was large and dark. 

I knew what the scar was, and I felt my heart break. 

This wasn't the first time I had noticed them, but it was the first time I really thought about what caused them. 

I was shaken from my thinking as I noticed her staring at me with a sad look. 

"I'm sorry." She whispered, looking at the ground. 

"Hey..." I spoke gently to her, walking closer. "I'm gunna make sure you never feel that way again, okay?" I wrapped my arms around her. 

She hugged me back weakly and tucked her face into my chest. I knew she would talk about it when she was ready, so I decided to change the subject. 

"Guess what?" I spoke. 

"Hmm?" She hummed into my chest. 

"May said tomorrow you and I can make the guest room into your own." She pulled back from the hug and looked at me, shock in her eyes. 

"Wh- really?!" She got excited. 

"Mhmm!" I cheered back. 

"That's so awesome! This is... This is- I mean... wow. Th-thank you." She blushed as I watched her with amusement. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I kissed her forehead and pulled her back into me. 

"You're welcome darling."


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