Washington Monument

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"Peter!" Y/n answered her phone after about a million times.

"Y/n! Hey babe, I need you to do me a favor..." I called to her with fear in my voice.

"Peter where were you?" She asked. I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

"Put Ned on the phone. Please." I begged.

"Peter you won't believ-"

"You're talking to Peter?" I heard Ned in the background. Shuffling was heard, and I was swinging all over the decathalon walls, looking for them.

"Peter!" Ned now had her phone.

"Ned! You're alive..."For some reason I would think different of him than Y/n since he had the bomb.

"Peter, are you okay?"

"Where's the glowy thing?!" I ignored his question.

"The glowy thing? It's safe, it's in my backpack." He sounded calm.

"Ned listen, the glowy thing is dangerous."

"You missed the decathalon." Now it was his turn to ignore me. I was in full panic mode. Where were they?!

I was above the door, watching people pour out and searching for those ugly yellow blazers.

"I covered for you." He continued. For once, Ned, STOP TALKING!

"Where are you?!" I yelled furiously.

"We are at the Washington Monument" He spoke calm again.

"Give me the phone!" Y/n yelled, the shuffling able to be heard again. "Peter?" She asked. She sounded so upset still.

"Y/n, please give the phone back to Ned." I was losing my patience with it all.

"You flake. You are lucky we won. I want to be mad, I answered the winning question and you should have been there like you said. But I'm more worried. Like, what is going on with you?" She was rambling on.

'All items on the belt.' A distant voice called. I heard Y/n sigh.

"There's something in Ned's backpack! It's dangerous! Don't let it go through x-ray!" I was in full pursuit to the monument now, knowing full well what was going to happen.

"Y/n? Y/n?! Damn it!" I tucked my phone into my spider-pockets and zipped faster. By the time I got there, shit was already going down.

The entire building cracked and shook, leaving specs and pieces of dust and rubble to fall down.

"No, no, no. Karen, what's going on up there?" I asked in a panicked voice. People around the base of the building looked up in horror, as security guards talked over what to do. Walkietalkies made lots of ruckus, but all I could focus on is the damage.

"The Chitauri core has detonated and caused severe structural damage to the elevator."

"Oh, no..." Was all I could say. What could I even do in this situation?

"My friends are up there!" A recognizable voice caught my attention. I looked to my side and saw none other than Michelle, hand on her forehead to block the sun from her vision of the terror.

"What?!" I panicked. Now I had to do something! "Don't worry, ma'am, everything's gonna be okay." I spoke.

"Excuse me, excuse me." I walked between people and got to the base of the building. "Oh my God, that's tall..." I looked up. How many stories was this?

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