Stark Internship

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The final bell rang, and goodbyes were said from our small group of three, before I headed home. Tomorrow was Friday, and I was so looking forward to it. Y/n asked if she could come over, that must have meant she wanted to spend time with me, right?

On my long treck home, I spotted a DVD player sitting on top of a garbage can. It looked fine!

Deciding to pick it up, I smiled and brought it all the way home with me. It would go awesome with the rest of my tech.

As I neared my building, I noticed a super weird, fancy car sitting in front of it. It was big, black and expensive looking. That's odd...

None the less, I walked inside and to the door, unlocking it silently.

"Hey May," I spoke as I took my key out. I had earbuds in my ears and my backpack was hanging slightly from of my shoulder.

"Mmm, hey!" She called through a mouth of food.

I walked into the kitchen, hoping to grab a bite of whatever she was eating, when she asked how school was. Odd, she never specifically said 'school'. She always just asked how I was.

"It was okay." I stated, rounding back into the living room. "There's this crazy car parked outside!" I finally looked up to her. My casual smile dropped into a look of awe as I saw who was sitting on my couch.

May leaned over the side, giving me a knowing look as the bruise faced Tony Stark examined a piece of bread. How could one man so easily make gluten look like heaven?

"Oh, Mr. Parker." He spoke casually as if we had talked before.

"Um..." I stared, taking my music out. What was going on? "Wha... What are you doing...Hey uh, I'm Peter." I stopped my stammering and decided to introduce myself. Don't be a clown, Peter!

"Tony." He was so cool.

"What are you-what are you doing here?" I asked, still confused.

"It's about time we met." He smiled with no teeth. "You've been getting my emails, right?" He asked. As May stared me down, a proud smile on her face, I noticed Tony's eyes wink horrendously as if convincing me to agree.

Even though I did not know what he was talking about, it was probably better not to go against a genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist.

"Yeah..." I said unsure. More confidence, come on. "Yeah. Regarding the..."

"You didn't tell me about the grant!" May looked betrayed for a split second. Oh god, thank you for filling in the blanks for me.

"Yeah, the grant!"

"The September Foundation." Tony implied, holding a hand out as if we all were on the same page. We definitively were not. "Remember when you applied?"

"Yeah," I spoke carefully.

"I approved, so now we're in business." He smiled again.

May held her hands up and shook her head at me. "But you didn't tell me anything, what's up with that?" She looked betrayed still. Okay Stark, you're beginning to hurt May. "You're keeping secrets from me now?"

Tony put a teacup down and let me take care of this myself.

"Well I jus- I just know how much you love surprises so... I thought I would let you know. A-Anyway what did I apply for?" I asked, trying to get more clear information on this situation.

"That's what I'm here to hash out." He nodded at me.

"O-okay. Hash- Hash it out, okay..." I stammered again. Was I in some sort of trouble?

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