No Salad!

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"Dude, dude, dude." Ned caught up with me as we walked to the sandwhich shop. "What is it like being famous when nobody knows it's you?"

"Crazy, dude." I answered with a smile on my face.

"It's crazy... Should we tell everyone?" He asked. I looked at him like he was insane.


"Should I tell everyone?"

"No, dude. That's not a good idea." I rolled my eyes. "Dude, listen, I figured it out. The wingsuit guy is stealing from Damage Control." I changed the subject.

"What he takes from Damage Control, that's how he builds the weapons. So all I gotta do is catch him."

"But we have a meet tonight for a decathalon regroup for the incoming year."

"Ned, I'm probably never gonna go back there. Mr. Stark is moving the Avengers upstate... so when I bring this guy in-" I was speaking fast and excited.

"Dude..." He stopped walking. "You want to be a high school dropout?

"I am so far beyond high school right now." I scoffed, walking into the sandwhich shop. Since Delmar's was still... in shambles... we were at some other place called Sub Haven.

"I'll take a meatball sub." I spoke.

"Same." Ned answered.

"Oh also, a side salad" I ordered for Y/n.

"We don't have salad. Twelve dollars." The cashier spoke. What a scam. I sighed and pulled a twenty from my wallet and gave it to him. Change was handed back with our food.

Ugh, I thought. Too much bread.

"So, no more decathalon?" He asked. I pursed my lips and shook my head as we sat down at a table.

The bells on the door rang, and Y/n walked through.

"Hey," She spoke, kissing my cheek before sitting down. "Ready to go?" She asked.

"Hey, they didn't have salads, I'm sorry." I said to her. She simply gave me a light smile.

"I'm ready, but Peter isn-" Ned started before I interrupted him. She should hear it from me, and I knew just what to say.

"I don't think I'll be able to do it this year." I was careful on how I said it.

"What? Why?" She turned to me fully.

"Well, I get so busy with the Stark internship, that's part of why I left yesterday. I don't want to let anyone else down with disappearing, so I just figured I won't do it." I spoke. I technically wasn't lying, the S.I was what it was all called.

However, not letting people down was difficult. I was letting Y/n down for sure.

"Oh, haven't heard about the internship for a while... kinda figured it had a summer break too." She joked, but I could tell she was a little hurt.

"Yeah I wish..." I spoke honestly. I truly wished crime took a break, or that I could atleast tell her.  But with it being her dad and all... There was no way.

"I only joined the team because of you... but if that's what you need to do I understand." She tried her hardest not to look upset.

"Because of me? Babe, you won decathalon- with out ME! You can do this, it's always been up to you, you just needed a little push. You can do this, and next year I'll be in the front row to watch you win." I smiled at her.

She gave me a smile back, but I was more focused on the look Ned was giving me.

"Well, since Liz is graduated Mr. Harrison needs a new captain and I'm hoping-"

"You're gunna get it for sure babe! That's another big win, and like I promised, I'll be home and waiting to hear it myself." I interrupted her. She smiled wider and blushed, as she always did when complimented.

"Well, we really better get going." Ned stopped the conversation. He didn't like lying to her either.

"Oh yeah, we might be late." Y/n stood up. Ned shoved the rest of his sandwhich in his mouth before waving to me, and exiting.

"Hope all goes well, good luck!" I called to Y/n as she waved and followed Ned out.

Please be safe.


"May?" I called through the apartment to make sure she wasn't home. I walked into my room and closed the door anyway, putting on my mask and sitting spread eagle in my chair.

"Hey Karen." I spoke to her, flicking a pen around in my hands.

"Hello, Peter. How was your meet?" She asked.

"I was wondering if you could help me. I'm trying to figure out who the guys in that car were that night but I can only remember part of a license plate.

"I can run facial recognition on the footage of that encounter." She spoke.

"Yeah do that."

I screen popped up in my vision, and I saw the two men that were in the car.

"Those two, who are they?" I asked.

"Searching law enforcement databases. No records found for two of the individuals." She spoke after a few moments.


"One individual identified." She suddenly spoke up.


"There seems to be someone in the back seat."

"I don't remember seeing him..." I answered honestly as she soomed in and enhanced the quality. Sure enough, there was another man, who looked terrified.

"Aaron Davis, age 33. He has a criminal record and an address here in Queens." She said.

"Let's pay him a visit."


Short as usual I'm sorry.

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