
18.9K 696 572

Trigger warning. Sexual harassment.


We had finished pictures and dinner, and none of us were having a good time other than Flash. He kept using disgusting compliments for Y/n, calling her hot and saying her curves were great. She simply just allowed it.

She didn't know what to do really, and there was nothing I could have said. He was harassing her, because she never said to stop. Dinner was awful, Flash made a huge ruckus and we had to leave.

"I'm sorry about dinner but I know when branzino is fresh- that was not fresh!" He spoke to Y/n who was riding shot gun.

The ride to the school was silent, until we arrived.

"Okay babe, let's go." He opened her car door and put a hand around her waste.

"Babe? We aren't a thing, Flash." She spoke to him and took a step away for distance. He cocked his head to the side like a puppy and smiled.

"Hard to get, I like it." He escorted her inside. I was fuming with anger, and Ned could tell.

"Get in there man, she clearly needs to be protected." Ned joked. But this was so serious to me. How dare he treat her like a carnival prize!

The two of us hurried in, and I looked around like a maniac. Where was she? I suddenly spotted her by the punch bowl, and was ready to jump into rescue mode, but was stopped.

She had a smile on her face, Flash's arm around her waste. She and a couple of members from the academic club cheered and drank some punch.

"Y/n!" I called as I ran over to her, but she couldn't hear me. Flash pulled her away, seeing me coming, and onto the dancefloor with lots of people. I couldn't get to them.

"Peter!" Liz called a bit tipsy and grabbed my shoulder. That punch was definitely spiked.

"Liz!" I was quick to grab her so she wouldn't fall.

"Isn't this a great turn out?" She smiled. Considering she was on student council, she was proud of her work.

"Yeah, it's great." I lied. Her date smiled at me and I kindly gave her to him before turning back around. We had already been here for an hour, and I had lost sight of Y/n and Flash.

"Come on Peter..." I growled to myself. I went from group to group, asking if anyone had seen her. Everyone said no. "Damn it!" I don't trust him at all!

"I saw her." A familiar voice spoke to me. I turned to Michelle, who was sitting at a table with a book, and watched her.

"Where?" I asked, taking a step towards her.

She looked up at me and studied me for a second, before realizing my panic.

"Flash led her to the locker room, at least in that direction." She spoke before going back to reading.

My heart jumped in my throat at her words.

"Th-thanks." I called before darting away. I ran out of the cafeteria and through the halls, knowing damn well what was going to happen.

"Wh-where are we?" I heard her voice hiccup as I neared a corner.

"Shhh, it's okay. We are just in the boy's locker room." Flash answered.

I reached the door and listened. If she wanted this, I had no right to stop her.

"Oh. Yea you're right!" She slurred. Nevermind, she was to drunk to know what she wanted. Damn it Peter go in!

For some reason, I was stuck in place. What could I do if I went in?

"I don't like that." Y/n said with a lazy sounding voice. "Flash stop. Stop. I said stop!" She yelled.

"Okay, geez. Sorry." Flash apologized. "Where are you going?" He called.

"Home. This was a mistake." She sniffed. Right as I opened the door, she ran out, barely looking at me as she cried. Flash came out right after, looking frustrated.

"Out of me way Pen-"

I interrupted him with a fist to the face. He grunted and fell down, clutching his eye and whining about it.

"Y/n!" I yelled, turning to the direction in which she ran.

"You're a jerk." I lamely said to Flash before running in her direction. She darted out a door and slowed down, holding her arms and crying.

"Y/n, wait up!" I called. The streets were a bit cold and I noticed Y/n had her shoes off. She didn't like the feeling of heels.

She turned around and as soon as she noticed it was me, jumped into my arms.

"I-I don't know what happened." She cried. I held her tightly and felt how cold she was in her dress. We were still right next to the school, so we could hear the music playing as a door was propped open for some fresh air.

"The drinks were spiked. You got a bit drunk and couldn't tell him no. Nothing happened   Y/n I promise. I would never let you get hurt." I spoke softly. She let out a sob and hopped from foot to foot, before standing on my own.

"Sorry..." She muttered. I found myself smiling. Her feet were too cold against the pavement. "What a waste of a night." She sniffed.

"It doesn't have to be." I offered, pulling away from her a bit. She looked up at me and I wiped a few tears from her face. I'm guessing May used waterproof make up because it was almost not even ruined.

I put my hands on her hips as she curled back into my chest, wrapping her arms around my neck and listening to my heartbeat.

"You look like a princess." I spoke to her. "A beautiful god damn princess." That, Flash, was a compliment.

"Thank you Peter..." She spoke with a bit more life in her voice. As the music played softly through the gym door, Y/n and I swayed back and forth lightly, her feet still on mine.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

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