Smoke and May

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You kicked your legs back and forth off of the bridge as you exhaled the smoke in your lungs. The sun was setting, barely peaking over the river and through the trees as you watched it.

"That's so bad for you." A voice made you jump. You looked quickly, but relaxed as you saw Peter walking towards you, wearing a blue hoodie and tan jeans.

"Yeah, I'll stop eventually." You smirked, sniffing the remains of your tears away before looking back at the sun.

He sat beside you and looked at what you were looking at.

"Beautiful." He said, just like on your smoothie date.

"Isn't it?" You replied.

"I meant you." He spoke, you could nearly hear the smile in his voice. You looked up at him and smiled back, gladly taking his hand as he held it open for you.

"How are you?" He asked, studying your face.

"I'm... I'm okay." You answered honestly.

"You say as tears cloud your eyes." He gave you a sympathetic smile as he used his thumb to gently wipe the water from your cheeks.

"Yeah, I feel okay though." You admitted. "It felt right. Like I didn't have to do it but I overcame the sadness."

"I'm proud of you." He whispered, tucking your hair behind your ear. You smiled lightly before leaning in and giving him a small kiss. He held the back of your head as he kissed you back, before pulling away and cringing.

"You taste like (Cigarette brand of choice, unless you don't have one than just marbs sowwy)" He grimaced. You rolled your eyes playfully and took another drag of the cigarette in your free hand.

"Sorry buddy." You stated.

He looked at you with disapproval before sticking out his hand.

Sighing, you blew out the remaining smoke and handed him the half gone stick. He instantly rubbed it on the bridge and left it there. You were confused as he held out his hand again.

"The box." He stated with a fatherly look on his face.

"Oh come on." You whined.

He raised his eyebrows and jerked his hand up and down to show 'give it to me'.

You put your hand in your pocket and picked out the box, looking at it for a few seconds before placing it in his hand. He stuck it in his own pocket to discard of later before taking your free hand in his own.

"You quit now. Not eventually." He looked into your eyes. You bit your bottom lip and looked down, a feeling of uneasy in your stomach.

"Hey," He grabbed your attention by using his pointer finger to pull your chin up lightly. "Your mom would want you to stop." He spoke gently.

Your eyes quickly filled with the tears again as you fell into his chest. You weren't mad at him, he was right. He wasn't being mean, you knew it. He was trying to help.

His arms wrapped around you and held you tight as you got out the rest of your sobs about your mother.

You needed this, it felt so right.


"Bless you, again." Peter laughed as you sneezed for the sixth time. Maybe being out so late in chilled weather wasn't a smart idea.

"If you keep staying out in the cold, you're gunna catch one!" May scolded as she handed a blanket to you.

"I'm fiiiiinneee." You groaned. "Probably withdraws." You grumbled silently to Peter as you glared at him beside you on the couch.

"Awe poor baby." He teased and kissed your forehead. "You better feel fine tomorrow cause we're going on another date."

"Oooo where too?" You asked, getting excited. You always had fun with Peter, but dates got you so excited.

"Somewhere." He shrugged before turning on his phone and dismissing the subject.

"Boo, you whore." You quoted before pouting like a child.

The two of you sat peacefully on the couch, May sitting at the table and reading a book. He showed you funny memes every once in a while, but other than that everyone was quiet. It was genuinely peaceful.

Until the music you heard earlier in the hall got louder.

"Shh!" May stated, knocking lightly on the wall. As if that would do anything. She went back to reading soon after, ignoring the music.

"Wooooo!" Someone yelled suddenly, loud enough to hear through the wall.

"Be quiet!" May tapped a bit harder. You and Peter both looked where she was, before smirking to each other. It was funny to watch her get riled up.

Sorry May...

"I'm trying to read." She grumbled to herself.

"New neighbors?" You asked. She scoffed and nodded.

"Loud ones."

You held in a giggle as you looked at Pete, who was smiling with you.

"Alright! Line up for shots!" The same voice yelled. May peaked up through her glasses and listened. "Shots! Shots! Shots!"

"Hey shut up!" She banged hard on the wall.

"Turn the music up!" Someone else yelled.

"You better not." May grumbled.

The music turned up loud, now you could all hear the song Party Rock Anthem playing.

"That's it!" She slammed her book down and stood up. You and Peter watched as she marched to the door and yanked it open. She disappeared, but you could hear her yelling and pounding on the door over the music.

"It is eleven at night. Turn that down and get your asses to bed. Children." She seethed before marching back over. She slammed the door and sat back in her chair, listening closely.

The music turned down, so it was just a quiet bump, and she nodded.

"Don't cross Aunt May." Peter whispered, sending you both into hysterical laughing.

May stared at you two as she picked up her book once more.

"You hush up too!"


guys. out of 157 thousand books in #fanfiction WE ARE NUMBER 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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