Walking around town

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"You don't look so good today. Did you get rest this weekend?" Y/n asked kindly as she stood at my locker. She was observant, not that the bags under my eyes were hidden.

"Just had a lot on my mind, I'll be okay." I gave her a soft smile. She nodded as I grabbed my textbook and closed my locker. She had her things in her hand and we walked to Ned's locker. It was first hour on monday, our second to last day of school.

There was no point in coming, other than to turn in our books and such. Pretty lame if you asked me.

"Well, if you need anything, I'm here." She smiled. Her smile was so pretty.

"Hey guys!" Ned smiled as we neared him. Other kids rushed around us, messing around and being loud as they were in summer vibes already.

"Hey Ned," Y/n spoke.

"Hey Ned," I copied her response.

"Going to class today and tomorrow is bunk." He stated, closing his locker. Y/n and I nodded in agreement, but walked to class anyways.



All day, Ned and Peter had been whispering and talking, never including you. You felt very left out, but they were friends long before you came along. It wouldn't be right if you were upset over that.

As you all sat at lunch, Peter was on his phone, Ned reading over his shoulder.

Meanwhile you sat there, wishing you were eating your favorite fruit.

Once again, your dad refused to give you lunch money, because you had a night terror last night and interrupted his meeting. He had been getting a lot angrier as the days went by, and more stressed with work, yet you had no idea why.

You felt trapped in this unwanted bubble.

You would have used the money you got from selling your stereo and some books, but you needed that money for more unhealthy reasons. You knew you would regret spending it on anything else.

Peter noticed you staring at the (your favorite fruit) on his tray.

You hadn't had more than a few crackers since saturday, you were starving to say the least.

"Do you want them? I don't." He smiled, pushing his tray to you. You looked at him for a few moments, trying to see if he was being genuine or giving you sympathy, but your stomach pain made you no longer care.

You nodded and took the tray, scarfing the fruit down impolitely.

He gave you a weird look, but smiled none the less.

"Hungry?" He asked in a teasing matter. You simply looked at your palms, avoiding the subject.

"Wanna hang out after school?" He asked, noticing your need to talk. He read you so well, all the time. You never passed up an opportunity to be open with him. He was so easy to talk too, but maybe that was just because you never had a friend.

"Yeah..." You spoke quietly. He knew fully well that something was going on in your life.

He smiled before turning back to Ned who was asking him hushed questions.

"No, Ned!" He said a bit loud. The two of them looked at you, before going back to talking in hushed whispers. You completely felt like an oddball.

You did not need to feel like this.

With that being said, you stood up, catching their attention, and took the tray to the garbage. They realized you were throwing it away, and went back to talking, unbelievable!

Flower Girl (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now