Vulture Pt. 1

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I barely managed to dodge the suit as it dove at me several times. Ruble fell all around me as I flipped and stuck to all sorts of cement walls. 

"Sorry Kid." Markus stated after the wing suit finally stopped. Looking around at the mess, and him smiling face, I couldn't help but feel cocky. 

"What are you talking about? That thing hasn't even touched me yet!" I laughed, standing in the open, ready for it to dive at me again. He smiled wider and stared me down. 

"True. Then again, I wasn't aiming for you." With his words, the suit shot to him and got him out quicker than I could even blink. With the slightest bit of air the wings caused, the building rumbled and swayed. 

I noticed the cracks that lined six pillars, the ones that surrounded me. 

"Oh no..." I barely spoke before the ceiling caved down. The heavy pieces pinned me to the ground, causing deadly pain in my body. Dust clouded the air like a college vape and hookah party. I must have hit my head pretty hard to be thinking about that right now...

I felt the smoke and dust fill my lungs with every weak breath I took, the weight of the cement slabs making me hyperventilate pathetically. 

At this rate, Vulture was going to rob that plane, and get away with it too. who knew the next chance I would get to stop him. I needed to get out of this, and quick!

"Come on come on come on... Okay ready?" I prepared myself as the massive weight fought with me. I pushed up hard, trying to get this thing off of me, but it was inhumanly possible. 

The trapped feeling became more intense as I cried out for help. 

"Hello? Hello! Please- hey! I'm down here!" I cried out. A wet sob escaped my lips as I tried to wiggle out, but nothing moved. What kind of hero, or even avenger, gets him or herself trapped under cement? What kind of a hero was I?

I felt useless. 

"Im down here, I'm stu-I'm stuck! I can't move!" I yelled as loud as I could with the little air in my lungs. not only did my ribs ache from the impact, but my lungs were being squeezed tightly together. 

I couldn't save the people on the boat, I couldn't stop the weapon sales, I destroyed the sub shop, and now I couldn't even get myself out of building pieces. I was completely useless. 

I let out a gurgled, pathetic cry and looked around, not knowing what to do. 

I spotted my mask that had town off, and watched as it matched up with my reflection in the puddle. 

'If you're nothing with out this suit, then you shouldn't have it.' Tony's words mocked in my head. It was just like he said, I shouldn't have to depend solely on that special suit. 

Since he took it away, I had time to focus on a lot more. I wasn't just some guy in an expensive pair of tights, I was Peter. I had an amazing girlfriend, best friend and aunt. I did great in school, I was on a fantastic debate team, I had everything I needed. I wasn't nothing, not to them at least. 

Y/n always loved me, and she didn't even know I was Spiderman. No, I was more than that. I was Peter fucking Parker, the guy behind the mask this whole time. I didn't need that damn suit, I had what I needed. 

"Come on Peter. Come on Spiderman. Come on Spiderman..." I kept repeating, my private speech giving me hope. 

"come on Spideman!" I yelled before groaning harshly as I gave it my all to lift the ruble. As it began to shift, more of my body became stronger with hope and oxygen, one helping more than the other.

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