Letting Go

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The ceiling of your room was killing you as you stared up at it. You were so damn bored. Peter went with Ned on a boys fishing trip; It was just for the day but you were dying of boredom.

Your phone buzzed on your stomach and you were quick to open the message.

Pete Mc Nerdson:
Wyd butthead

Laying on my bed bored as f u c k

I'm sorrry :( I could come home early if u want

No no no, have fun. I might go visit my mom...

P: Are you sure you want to do that alone?

Yeah, I think I'm ok. I just kinda wanna talk to her and let her know im ok yunno?

Ik. Be safe ok? Ily

I love you too <3


Putting your phone beside you, you sat up and stretched your arms up. You did feel like going to visit her grave, despite promising you wouldn't anymore.

She would understand, and may be happy for you.

You climbed off of the bed and walked out of your open door. Walking down the hall, you reached the door and yanked on your (your fave chill shoes) and grabbed the room key from a hook May recently put up. Having your own key felt so amazing; Every small thing May did for you made you feel more and more welcome.

The door creaked as you pulled it open, but stayed silent as you closed it. The hall was empty, but you could hear light music playing from a neighbor.

You smiled as you walked past, but the music disappeared as you climbed into the elevator and the doors closed.

You felt like you should be remorseful for breaking a promise to your mom, but you genuinely felt at peace.

The air outside hit you by surprise as you opened the lobby door, it was getting a tiny bit chilly as fall was coming around the corner. Nonetheless, you pulled the arms of your stolen sweatshirt, from Peter of course, down to cover your skin and walked to the corner. It felt weird as you walked past the garden and didn't steal a flower, but you knew better now.

"Going somewhere?" May asked before you could turn the corner. You turned back around and smiled at her as she stood halfway up the steps. She had on her work attire, and was just getting home.

"Just going to visit my mom's grave." You kept a gentle smile on your face.

"No flowers?" She teased. You let out a single quick breath of laughter before shaking your head, looking down.

"No ma'am."

"Well, here." She walked back down the steps and motioned you to the garden spot. As you walked closer, she picked a rose and held it out to you.

"May, you love your garden!" You gasped, not taking the already dead flower.

"Flowers can die and be regrown, but the memory of our loved ones stays bloomed forever." She smiled lightly back at you.

You took the flower from her caring hand and looked at her with admiration.

"Thank you." You whispered. She nodded before going back to returning home.

You turned around and began your walk again, a rose in hand.


"Hi mom." You started, staring down at the grave. "I know I promised not to come back, but that was because I didn't want you to worry about me. I... I'm doing better. I'm not so sad anymore. I miss you a lot, I always will, but I've had help moving on.

Peter and Ned, oh and May, they've been taking care of me. I'm away from dad, who knows how he is, and I'm safe." You smiled.

You laid the rose down on the grass that had grown over the grave, before sitting down.

"You'd be so proud of me. I'm going to a real school, joined a smart kids club," you laughed a bit. "I even made captain because I won us the competition. The trophy is so shiny, Mom. Like you wouldn't believe." The wind blew a bit, sending shivers up your arms and bring the mood down a bit.

"It's been a while since you died, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. I still blame Spiderman, but I know I shouldn't." You played with your fingertips and watched your hands closely.

"I've had a couple run ins with him. I don't really like him." You laughed again. "But I know he means well. Gave your death a purpose. I wanna know who he is, like everyone else, but I feel like I need the closure, you know? But... I'll be okay, I'm not alone. I should tell you about Peter now, shouldn't I?" You began.

"Mom he's so amazing. He's smart, and he can match my thoughts exactly. He isn't some punk ass guy trying to hook up, he's genuine and friendly." You felt good talking about him. You never had a chance to talk about boys to your mom, but this felt almost the same as it would be if she were alive.

"Don't worry, he takes care of me. We argue a bit but, all for good intentions. He's sweet, a gentleman, holds doors for me, takes me on dates, he's gentle. He's perfect." You couldn't resist the smile on your face.

"The point is, I want you to know I'm doing alright." You tried to pull things to an end, tears beginning to find their way into your eyes.

"I miss you. I've already said that alot but, I do. I wish you could meet Pete, you'd love him. I... I don't know if I'll be back," you went back to playing with your fingers. "But I don't want to say I won't, and break another promise."

You smiled bittersweetly as a salty tear fell from your eye.

"I love you."

Your legs felt a little sore as you stood up. It felt like only moments you had been there, but the darkening sky told you otherwise.

"Bye momma..." You choked out before turning away. You started walking, a quick pace, not wanting to turn around.

As you were far enough from the grave, you let a small sob escape your throat. Not a sob of terror, or heartbreak, but one of letting go.

You were letting it all go, feeling like you were in a good place in your life to do so.

Sure, it hurt a lot, but it was a good pain. It was a step into the future, another step to bliss.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter my babies, I'll see you all in the next one <3

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