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"Thank you.. for tonight." She spoke softly to me as we stood outside of her door. "I don't know what I would have done if... yeah."

"I punched Flash." I stated, causing her to smile.

"That's awesome," she looked down and giggled. "Yunno, you're like my own personal hero," she leaned her head on my chest like she did when we danced. Her hands were beside her face as I hugged around her.

"I will always protect you." I whispered to her.

"Y/n." A voice called after a door ripped open. "Get your ass in here." Her dad growled sternly. She pulled away from me and we both looked up at him, but me more intently than her. He had a burn on his face now, it reminded me of the backfire Mark got from our fight.

"Yes sir."

He walked back inside before she turned to me.

"Sorry about him..." She sighed.

"How did... he get that burn?" I asked, my eyes wide with realization.

"Oh, and accident from work, that's all he told me." She shrugged.

"What's his name?" She was getting weirded out by my questions.

"Mark...? Anyways. I gotta go before he gets back out here." She stated. My mouth hung open in shock as she kissed my cheek.

"Thanks for turning my night around." She smiled. She skipped through the door and closed it lightly while I just stood there dumbfounded.

I knew the voice was so familiar. I knew that burn was too weird. This was Mark, the criminal that got away.

Y/n's father was a criminal.


"Where did you get these guns?" I asked the man as I dodged one of his beams of doom. He growled, not giving me the answer I want.

"You stupid spider!" The second guy yelled from behind me. I wasn't fast enough to block him from wacking me over the head, and managed to get knocked over.


I knew where Mark lived, but there was no way to get to him in that house. I needed to find out where he made these weapons, and stop him there.

"Good morning Peter." The suit lady spoke.

(Guys lets just pretend Stark never put training wheels on it)

"Ugh... my head." I groaned as I sat up.

"It seems as if you have a mild concussion." She spoke.

"Karen, run facial recognition on those guys." I spoke to her. She did a bunch of stuff, but came up with nothing.

"No criminal record." She stated.

"That'll change when I'm done with 'em." I vowed and stood up. I barely watched their truck drive away.

"Not on my watch!" I yelled and webbed to the top of a house. I saw their truck and was quick to jump on it.

"Ah, boss we got something!" The driver spoke into a phone. He was calling for help from Mark? The guy in the passenger seat shot a weapon that I barely managed to dodge.

"Son of a-" I spoke as a giant hole smoked from the vehicle.

"I can't shake him!" The diver yelled as he made a sharp turn. I had the idea to shoot webs over the windshield to blind them from driving. As I did so, I realized that when they crashed, so would I.

As if the gods were against me, the truck collided with a telephone pole and I shot off of the top.

"Oof!" I hit the ground with a thud. The driver was unconscious but the passenger crawled out.

"Sorry buddy." I spoke weakly as I stuck him to the door. With both men trapped, I sprawled out on the grass of someone's yard and took a breath.

"What's going on?!" And old man yelled from his porch. "Don't make me come over there!" He wagged a fist.

"Hey buddy-"

"The name is Stan!" He corrected me.

"Wanna call the police, Stan?" I groaned.

"Already did."


Thanks for reading! Geez thank you so much for 400 reads! I love you all, I'll update again tonight since this was so short!!!!

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