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You and May both sat on the couch, staring intently with shock in horror as the news showed a devastating crash.

Fear played with your hearts, but neither of you knew what to do. Peter had been missing all morning. He skipped the meeting, didn't come home for lunch or dinner, and is still gone.

Your tongues were frozen, speech not even being in your minds.

A helicopter flew over the dark beach, recording live the fire and airplane pieces that buried in the sand a bit.

"D-do you think...?" You whispered out, eyes glued to the screen.

"I-I..." She still couldn't form words. Your pulse quickened as the home phone rang.

May jumped up, the fastest she had ever before, and grabbed it. As soon as she answered it, she turned to you with her hand over her mouth in shock.

Oh no...


"Really, May. I AM okay." Peter spoke through a smile. He looked like hell, but he also looked... achieved?

His body was covered in bruises, pussed cuts, and burns that radiated heat.

"Look at you! You are not!" May scolded, looking him over. He laughed and just kept saying he was okay, but you just stood there. You weren't sure what to think, say or believe.

There was something off about him. He was always gone, he always find a way to be right in the middle of all this trouble.

Your gut twisted with guilt as you thought more about it. How could you think such things?

He was clearly injured and in need of love.

"What happened?" You spoke up, but May said it at the same time.

"I was walking on the beach and the plane crashed. Some pieces of metal broke off and slammed right into me. The fire caused them to be really hot so I got burned a bit." He explained smoothly.

"What were you doing on the beach so late? Where have you fucking been all night?" You spoke loudly. You shouldn't have been so mad, you should have been there for him, but you were done with excuses. His promises were seemingly nothing.

"I was upset." He frowned at you.

You didn't respond, but instead kept a wary glance on him.

"I knew I had disappointed you for not showing up to practice. I slept past my alarm and by the time I was up," he seemed to have this planned out a head of time, if it wasn't real. "It was too late. It was already the middle of it." Your face fell into disappointment, the very thing he was afraid of.

His lies burned his own tongue like acid, but he wanted to keep you out of it.

"So the beach comes into this, when?" You asked sarcastically.

"I didn't know how to face you, so I went to walk on the beach to like, clear my head or figure things out..." He didn't seem like THAT was planned out.

You didn't know what to believe, let alone what to say.

So you didn't. You simply stood there and stared, watching him like a hawk. You were looking for any signs of a lie, or a truth, but there was nothing.

"I'm gunna go talk to the nurse, let you two talk for a bit." May stated as she sensed the usual tension.

You kept still as she walked around you and out the door. Peter watched her leave before looking back at you.

"I'm sorry. I really wanted to be there." He spoke, playing with his fingers like you usually do. His eyes spoke sorrow, his wounds spoke pain, but his mouth spoke lies. He knew that, but you didn't. You loved him too much to read in any further.

You trusted him, you wanted to be there for him.

Letting out a sigh, you walked over to him and took his hand gently in yours, sitting in a chair next to the bed.

"I'm just glad you're okay." You spoke.

He nodded and brought your hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on your knuckles.

"I love you so much." He spoke, looking dead into your eyes. "I would never do anything to purposely hurt you. You know that, right?"

"Of course. I just... I expect too much from everyone, I get ahead of myself. I know you try your hardest, I can see it. I love you just as much, if not more." You put a light smile on your face to reassure him.

"As soon as I'm out of the hospital, we're gunna do something." He smiled back.

"Like what?" You easily got excited.

"I dunno... a romantic date. You and I, the sky, our spot, a picnic. Whatever you want love." He played with your hair. (If you don't have hair, he rubbed your knuckles with his thumb <3)

"I love you Peter." You whispered.

"I love you too (your nickname)."


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