Gold Outline

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I furrowed my eyebrows at my phone, an unknown number giving me commands. 

'Go to the public bathroom on the third floor' 

I looked over at Y/n, sound asleep in her bed, before getting up cautiously. May was asleep as well, even though it was the middle of the next day. She was taking her day off to catch up on some sleep, that was well needed. 

All through out the night, Y/n was up various times puking her guts out. It even got the a point of her crying once. She was in pain, and I hated to leave her alone, but with her being asleep, it should be okay. 

I opened the front door softly and walked to the elevator, too lazy for the stairs, and pushed the third floor button. Luckily, no one was inside. My senses weren't tingling, so I tried not to worry. 

As the doors opened, I walked to the restroom, they had one on each floor for public use, who knows why?

I rounded the corner carefully before relaxing. 

Though relaxed, I was confused at the man who stood in front of me. 

"Hey Happy..." I started, standing awkwardly as he smiled lightly at me. "What uh... What are you doing here?"

"I really owe ya one." He spoke calmly, like never before.  "Ha, I don't know what I would do with out this job. I mean, before I met Tony-"

He was interrupted as a toilet flushed. We looked at each other awkwardly, as the stall door opened. No one spoke as a man walked out, looking at us very weirdly. 

He walked around a very ironically unhappy Happy, and turned the sink on. The two of us watched as he put plenty of soap in his hands and scrubbed like a germaphobe. 

He rinsed the soap off, used a single sheet of paper towel, and walked out, giving us another weird look. 

"So uh..." I stated, feeling so damn weird. "How long ya been here?" I teased. 

"Long enough to be awkward. Boss wants to see you." He pointed to his side, changing the subject. 

I watched with wide eyes and looked at the stall. 

"Is he here too?" I whispered. 

"In the toilet" No, he's upstate." He teased back before walking past me. 

"Upstate? Like, upstate upstate?" I asked in shock. 

"Yeah, let's go." He grumbled, walking out. I was still in shock as I followed him out, not sure what else to do.


As we rolled up, the building took me off guard. It was massive. 

"Pretty impressive, huh?" Happy smiled, looking at the same thing I was looking at. He saw it too, so it must be real and not my mind playing tricks on me... "They just finished remodeling the whole thing."

The capital 'A' on the side of the building shook my skin with excitement. Yep, this was very real.

We drove around the building, getting closer, and I couldn't take my eyes away. 

Soon enough, at some point, we got inside. I was staring at everything, the people, the technology, even the walls. It was unbelievable. I never though I would ever be here, in a million years, ever. 

I stood by a window and watched with a goofy smile as a jet took off, Happy stood there and let me have my moment. 

"You don't see that everyday." He smiled at me. 

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