Smoothie Date

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"How about this one?" Peter asked as you peaked into the windows of a shop in town.

"No way!" You laughed, removing your one hand that was shielding the sun. Your other hand was holding Peter's.

"Why not? It's perfectly good looking." He teased.

"It looks like something my grandma would have beside her hospital bed." You groaned.

The two of you were window shopping for furniture for your room, and Peter clearly had zero taste. You were fine with your room the way it was, but window shopping was so fun to you. You wouldn't be buying anything but imagining was fun.

"Oh come on it isn't that ba-" He stopped talking as he realized it was a resale shop. "Okay maybe it was used by grandma."

You giggled and pulled him along to the next building, hoping there would be something better.

As you turned to look into the window, your knee brushed against the brick wall.

"Ouch." You hissed out, bending down to rub the pain away.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked quickly, getting down on one knee and looking at the scrape.

"I'm fine, Pete. Just brushed it." You stated.

"I'm sorry..." He stated self loathingly.

"You didn't do this." You pulled him back up and looked in his eyes.

"I might as well have. It happened because of me-"

"It happened because of US. Because we are two immature kids who can't handle confrontation." You smiled at him. He smiled back lightly and looked down at your knee. "It's just a scratch. I'm okay." You reassured him.

"Okay." He gave in. "Hey speak for yourself, Kid." He teased you on what you said about being immature.

"Hey!" You laughed back, nudging him.

"Where do you wanna eat?" He changed the subject, though continued to smile.

"Eh, I'm honestly not that hungry." You spoke, looking around as you both walked forwards, no destination in mind.

"Well, I know this great smoothie place." He spoke up.

"I could do a smoothie." You nodded and followed him as he pulled you to the curb. He looked both ways before pulling you across, running even though it was clear.

He only walked down another block before opening a glass door and holding it for you like a gentleman.

"Thank you," You smiled as the bells on the door chimed joyously. He walked in after you and led you to the counter.

"Can I get a Banana and strawberry smoothie, medium, and a (your fave smoothie) for the lady?" Peter asked for you. A true gentleman.

"Definitely." The guy behind the counter said. You didn't notice him looking you up and down creepily, but Peter did.

"Hey." Peter grabbed both your and the dude's attention. He brought your intertwined hands up and showed the guy, who just turned around and made the smoothies.

"What was that?" You asked, holding back a teasing laugh.

"I didn't like the way he was looking at you." Peter grumbled as he pulled out his wallet.

"Hmm, perhaps it was jealousy?" You couldn't help the tease.

"Yeah yeah, go pick a spot you nerd." He spoke back. You smiled and walked to a booth, sitting facing the door.

You watched Peter pay before he grabbed the smoothies and made his way to the booth. A female worker came out of the back, and you saw what Peter meant by the looks.

"Are you enjoying your smoothie?" She stopped Pete and asked him.

"I actually haven't had the chance to yet, but I'm sure it's great." He gave her a forced, tight lipped smile as to say he didn't care for her finger twirling in her hair flirtatiously.

"Well, lemme know." She smiled and watched him come the rest of the way to the booth.

"Man, these people and their desperation." You rolled your eyes.

"Hmm, perhaps jeal-"

"Shut it." You stopped him from talking.

"Mind if we switch sides?" Peter asked as he stood in front of you. "I have this weird thing where I gotta face the door incase-"

"Incase what? A robber comes in?" You interrupted him.

"Well, theoretically speaking, yeah." He laughed nervously.

"And what, you plan to stop them?" You teased.

"Listen here, Sassy." He smiled at you. "You've seen my cat like reflexes. Who knows?"

"Yeah yeah, we can switch." You spoke and got up, sitting on the other side. He sat down and handed you your smoothie, the two of you enjoying your date.

"Beautiful." He spoke out, looking at you. You smiled through a blush and dipped your straw in your smoothie.

"Thank you..." You spoke softly.

"Oh, I was talking about the weather, but you too." He smirked playfully.

"Oh, fuck you!" You flung some smoothie at his face while laughing.

"I'm kidding! I'm kiiiddiinngg!" He laughed back, wiping it off his face and looking at you.

You couldn't stop smiling as you glared at him exuberantly. It seemed like all of today the two of you were teasing, playing and smiling at each other.

This was what you wanted, and needed. This was perfection.


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