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Other than clouds knocking it around, the plane was dead silent the entire ride home. Despite it being nine and a half hours, no one spoke. 

You were assuming everyone was still shaken by the sudden, and unpredictable outburst from Peter, as they got reminded of it every time Flash looked back from his aisle seat at Peter, glaring brown eyes and a bruised cheek. 

You were probably the most shaken, as you put the blame on yourself entirely. You could have gotten Flash away by yourself, but instead you sat around doing nothing. His existence made you insanely uncomfortable, but you simply sat around and allowed it. 

You shouldn't have to rely on Peter's jealousy to protect you, what would happen if he wasn't there?

Speaking of which, he was still slightly peeved looking, and you were terrified of anything setting him off. 

He relaxed in the moment of you clinging to his body to hold him back from maybe killing Flash, but it was still a scary moment. 

You barely remembered Prom, but you knew he punched Flash then too. Each time it seemed her got angrier, and although usual girls would love to be fought over, you really felt like you weren't worth the trouble Peter was in. 

He had music playing in his ears, and his eyes were closed, but the anxious tapping of his fingers on the arm rest you two shared made it clear he still had the fight in his mind. 

"Peter...?" You asked carefully as you tapped his shoulder. His eyes opened roughly, but became delicate as he looked at you. "We landed." 

"Thanks Babe." He smiled lightly. You simply nodded and stood up. 

You were too on edge to be afraid of the flying, which was a good thing in the bigger picture of things. You would have hated to put any unneeded pressure on Peter. 

Everyone stood up, grabbing their carry ons, and exited the plane. 

As soon as you stepped off, you noticed he difference. The heavy air, the loud streets nearby, and even the emotional feeling. It was all... claustrophobic. 

Mr. Harrison grabbed everyone's attention before they were excused to leave. 

"Okay everyone, listen up." He started. You looped your arm through Peter's, and he allowed it. It made you happy, knowing he didn't blame it on you at all. 

He actually was rubbing your upper arm with his thumb as he watched the teacher speak. 

"Liz, you are excused. Flash, you as well for now." He gave Flash a look before sending the two off. "We have a practice on Tuesday, be there and be sharp. I hope you all enjoyed the lovely vacation while it lasted, but get ready for some good and hard training for next year." He smiled before waving you all away. 

Sally and Abraham went to get their luggage, having their own conversation going while the rest took off, other than Ned, you and Peter. 

Peter lead you to the luggage and kindly handed you yours as it came around, before grabbing his own. 

As Ned grabbed his, he broke the tense silence first. 

"You should have kicked his ass." He stated, smiling at Peter. 

"I should have." Peter stated dully before the three of you walked to the exit. 

"No, you shouldn't have." You stated back, a hard look on your face. 

Peter made a noise before laughing and speaking. "Pfff hahah why not? He deserved it!"

"Peter." You stopped in your tracks and gave him a stern look. "You could have gotten hurt." 

"I wouldn't worry about him." Ned laughed as he began walking again. "My ride is here, I'll see you guys Tuesday!" He gave you a peace sign before walking out of the door. 

"Come on, (your nickname), May should be here." He smiled at you before trying to pull you further. 

"I'm serious!" You yelled lightly, looking at him. His face fell into a frown as he looked down, but took your hands. 

"I'm sorry, okay? I can't stand the way he talks to and treats you. He's scum, and it was time he learned it." He sighed.

"You don't have to protect me. You aren't a Superhero. Don't go making a mess and hurting yourself." You said with care. Something in your words made him angry, as he gave you an upset look and dropped your hands. 

What? Did you hurt his feelings? You were only trying to look out for him. 

"You obviously need protection. He was all over you." He stated before walking out of the airport. He didn't walk too far, bless his heart for still caring for you even when he was mad, and even held the door as you walked up. 

None the less, his words stung. He was right, you did need it, but you shouldn't. 

You sighed and walked out, giving him a small 'thank you'before finding May instantly. 

Climbing into the backseat, you greeted her lightly. 

"How was Hawaii?!" She asked enthusiastically as Peter climbed in the front seat. 

"Fine." You and Peter stated at the same time. May could sense tension, and decided not to talk about Hawaii. 

"I missed you both, the house is so quiet with out you." She smiled as she drove away. 

"Nah, that's just because you showed the neighbors who's boss." Peter was back to his happy self. You met his eyes in the mirror before you both averted them. 

Yep. Definite tension. 


Small chapter I AM SORRY.

I promise Spiderman action is coming soon. 

I got injured in Cheer practice today and I am so sad because I feel so stupid :( of course the only person who gets hurt all the time is the captain. GAh. 

I have impingement syndrome in my shoulder and pulled my shoulder out of place again. I am such a useless captain seriously, I am the only one who can't do the splits because my muscles can't stretch. I've been trying for months RIP me. And I did the same thing to my shoulder last season, and got a concussion :)))))))))))) R I P M E 

thank you all so much for reading, voting and commenting I love you!

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