A Few Hours

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We sort of fixed things, I guess.

She had done so much crying, fear and anxiety clinging to her bones silently for too long, she nearly passed out from exhaustion. She went through a lot, she needed to rest.

She slept in her own bed tonight, as I wanted her to be able to really gather herself, but I couldn't sleep.

I should feel good, as I usually do when I save people. Even the countless times I had saved her, I felt triumphant. Yet this time was different. I felt like garbage- like I messed up.

I had been spending so much time having deep conversations with her, her soul was becoming my own; I was beginning to think like her.

For example: Sure I saved her life, but I didn't spare her emotions. I knew how much more important bonds and relationships are too her than physical things. Every second of keeping this secret from her, she was getting hurt.

Yet if I told her, after so long, she would be completely devastated.

I was cornered in this situation, and I didn't know what to do.

I was hoping to find answers as I continued to stare up at the ceiling.

What the hell should I do?



Though exhausted, your sleep didn't last long. The regular feeling of falling, the one everyone gets, shook you from your sleep. But because of the day's events, it felt too real.

You almost felt cowardly as a bead of sweat peeled from your forehead.

What would have happened if Spiderman wasn't there?

Why was he there? He was always there, as if he was following you.

How did he know it was YOUR mom?

Is that why he was always there to save you? Just to make amends?

All of these questions that pooled through your head made your mind wander and scare you.

Ignoring your mind teasing your own fears, you shook yourself loose from the covers and placed your barefeet on the carpet. Your door was barely cracked, making a squeaking sound as you opened it.

You needed comfort, as pathetic as you felt.

Half of you wanted care, the other half wanted to make sure Peter was okay.

As you walked to his room, your mind still scattered.

You were so worried for him, and whatever he was dealing with.

But, you knew if he was in any trouble, he would tell you, or Ned would.

With a final deep breath, you pushed open his door and stepped inside.

You walked to his bed, seeing him there and passed out. He had no shirt on, and no pants, but his boxers were exposed. He looked more drained than before, like he just got back from a run. The blanket wasn't even on him, it was as if he just got back from somewhere and passed out.

Had he gone somewhere in the few hours you were asleep?

You ignored your own thoughts. Trust him.

Crawling in beside him, he wrapped his arms around you impulsively and cuddled you.

Maybe you were being selfish.

He needed affection and reassurance just as much as you did.

You went to grab the blanket, but felt a piece of paper with it.

'(Your nickname),
I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk.
If you so happen to come in here while I am gone, don't worry :D I just went to clear my head a little. I love you.

The handwriting looked panicked, and the little smiley face was drawn on so quick.

So he did leave while you were asleep?

What did he do, run? He looked so damn tired...

What was he going through? What was he dealing with?

He helped you, you wanted to help him too.

Maybe the best way to help was reassurance that you two were okay and that you were there if he needed it.

After whatever he was dealing with, he made sure you were okay. Maybe it was time you at least let him know you were there too, and supported him.

He deserved it in the least.


I love and appreciate all of your reads, but I get a lot of not so nice comments regarding me making Y/n vegan. I'm sorry if you don't care for it or don't like it, but this is my book so I write it the way I want too. I have a plan for it so please just suck it up. Pretend the words aren't even there, if you must.

I'm sorry if I seem unappreciative but... that's how I wrote it. It plays along with the entire thing about loving flowers and being obsessed with fruits, and Peter's cute understanding and support of it all.

So again, I'm really sorry if I have offended everyone but it's how I wrote it. I hope you understand.

Most of you guys are really kind about it and trust the process but I can't believe the tantrums some of you are throwing in my comments. I love you, but get it together. It's a fanfiction.

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