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Y/n had fallen asleep, but I was wide awake and thinking. Okay, so I didn't expect to ever fall in love with someone so easily, but how could I not?

She was strong, beautiful, smart and her thoughts were so meaningful. She was so perfect to me.

And yet, she was so broken.

My arms were still around her by the time I heard Aunt May get back. The light outside my door turned on and I heard her creep down the hall. I really wanted to talk to her while I had the chance.

I slowly unwrapped Y/n from my body and climbed out of the bed. She looked so peaceful.

As I went to open my door to talk to May, the hairs on my arms stood up. I looked at them quickly before looking at Y/n to make sure she was asleep. She was out cold.

I jumped, quietly, to where I hid my suit and ripped my clothes off before pulling the blue and red suit on. I stalked over to my window and opened it carefully, before sticking to the outside wall and crawling up.

I could feel the vibrations of police cars angrily zooming around the corner. With out seeing them, I jumped to the ground, slowing myself down with a web. I landed on a white van that was being chased by multiple cop cars, flashing their lights like furious fireflies.

I heard commotion inside as they heard me land.

"It's that Spider-Prick!" A voice yelled. I jumped out of the way quick as a bullet shot through the roof.

"What do we do, Boss?" A second guy yelled, he must have been driving.

"Get rid of him you morons!" Marcus yelled over the phone. The driver made a sharp turn and shook me from the roof, but I stuck to the sides. I could see him glaring at me in the mirror as he drove closer to the sidewalk.

"Lookout, coming through!" I stated to a homeless man. I leaped over him and webbed to the car, pulling myself back on top.

What were these guys planning?

Police cars were lined up behind us, they must have done something pretty big.

I jumped onto the window, waving at the guys on the inside.

"License and registration!" I nearly laughed. The driver turned on the windshield wipers and sprayed me.

"Awe come on." I groaned but held on. Okay, I needed to stop them now.

I webbed to corners of buildings as we passed by, and leaned against the window. Why weren't they shooting at me?

"Don't shoot! We can't let them see the weapons!" Marcus spoke. Oh.

The van came to a halt as I slowed us down, groaning at the strength it took.

"Do you know why I have pulled you over tonight?" I asked after turning back around. They unbuckled their seat belts and tried to escape, but I punched through the window and webbed them both to the doors.

"Hey!" One of them yelled. The cops came to a stop and were quick to jump out with their guns.

"Thank you." The Sheriff stated. I nodded and shot a web onto a building and climbed up. I watched the cops below attempt to handcuff the men.

"Sorry!" I yelled as they struggled with the web. Oops...

That was two men closer to Marcus.

What were they planning on doing with those weapons?


I climbed back up to my building and opened the window softly. I was so exhausted, it was almost morning now.

I climbed in and slowly let my feet guide to the floor. I watched Y/n as I undressed, making sure she wouldn't look. As soon as I got some sweatpants on, she stirred and opened her eyes. She looked at me, then the window, then back to me.

"Pete?" She asked hoarsely as she sat up. The blanket hung loose around her as she did so.

"Hey, sorry, did I wake you?" I asked, sitting by her. She shook her head and laid back down, allowing for me to play with her hair. I heard girls fall asleep fast if you do this.

"I woke up and saw you were gone, but now you are back."

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk." I lied to her. God, lying to her felt so wrong.

"You came in through the window..." She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah... I forgot my key, so I had to climb the fire escape." She nodded as I spoke. "You can go back to sleep now, if you want." I whispered.

"Are you?" She asked back.

I answered her by opening the blanket and curling in with her.

That was a close one...


Thank you for reading! I have a plan for this book but I'm having some writers block trying to work up to the climax

I'll get it though, I have some ideas.

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