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Tony Stark made peter pack and meet him in the car outside. After talking it over with May, she was fine and proud for Peter to go away for the week. A whole week. Peter was both terrified and excited.

What kind of upgrade did Mr. Stark mean? What would he be doing? This was awesome!

As Peter was living his dream as Spiderman, you were left alone on his doorstep the next night.

With tears streaming down your face, and in need of a friend who understands, you knocked on his door.

"Oh hello Y/n," May answered kindly.

"Is Peter here?" You sniffed.

"No I'm sorry honey, he's out for the week, he has an internship with Tony Stark." She replied.

The whole week? And with Tony Stark? How peculiar and sudden.

"Are you okay?" She asked, reaching a hand out to you. Flinching back, you nodded and pursed your lips together.

"I'm okay. Thank you anyways." You called before darting out of the building. A sob escaped your throat as you ran the streets, not knowing where to go or what to do.

You felt so alone, considering Peter, your first true friend, left with out telling you, and even let you think you could come over. Why didn't he tell you about it? Did Ned know?

You took out the iphone Ned gave you, thanks to Peter, and sent him a message.

Did you know about Peter leaving?
Read 11:27 PM

No, is he okay?

Apparently her has an intern-
ship with Tony Stark and won't
Be back for a week.
Read 11:30 PM

Ironman?! That's so sick!

That's all he said? He didn't care that Peter didn't say anything? I mean, I guess Peter had a way to contact him so he didn't care as much, but he didn't know Ned gave you the phone.

Were you that easy to forget about?

You made your way into the cemetery, skipping past that grave and going right to the bridge. You always went here to think, but it never felt this bad when Peter was here. He understood you in ways you didn't think were possible, and even in the short time you knew him, he was so important to you.

The water rushing below was gentle and almost calm.

Your phone buzzed once more, and you thought it was Ned. Instead, it was a different number.

Unknown number
Hey Y/n, its Peter. Ned gave me ur number. May told me you came over and were crying. Everything ok?

His text was so plain compared to his words.

No way you were going to explain to him your dad's cruel words, especially over text.

You didn't plan to tell him about your abusive father, but being with him made you feel safe and cared for. That was all you needed in times like this.

But now, what were you supposed to do?

You knew he would be back but- it all hurt.

yea im ok. hope ur intership goes well.

You replied simply before saving his contact info.

ill b back b4 U know it :)

You put your phone back in youe pocket and stared down at the water, thinking too much.

Back to square one



I had texted Y/n last night, knowing in my gut that she was not okay. With my new suit and a battle with Avengers coming up, I wouldn't be able to check up on her.

God, why was I so stupid? I should have found a way to tell her and Ned, but instead I just left. All the excitement really got to me.

I hope this wouldn't take a full week, I needed to get back.

"Underoos!" Tony called me. I swung out and webbed Captain America up before stealing his shield and sticking the landing.

Time for Spiderman.


I'm not sure if I like this chapter or not but oh well, thank you for reading!

Flower Girl (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now