Mock innocence

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I was out way too late, I knew May would be suspicious that I was out with Y/n, so I needed to sneak in.

Climbing up the side of my apartment building, I got to my window and creaked it open, watched carefully as Aunt May passed by.

As soon as she was out of view, I crawled through and onto the ceiling, creeping too close the door. I ripped my mask off and tossed it into my closet. As I got closer, I shot a web and pulled the door closed, cringing as it squeaked.

Finally, it latched shut, and I relaxed.

"Woo..."I breathed out, hopping onto the floor. I turned around to relax on my bed, suit still on, but froze as Ned sat there, staring at me with wild eyes.

"Ned!" I whisper yelled. He had the lego set on his lap, but as he stood up it fell and shattered quickly.

"What was that!?" May asked from outside.

"Uh, Nothing!" I yelled back to her.

"Y-You're spiderman... from youtube." Ned stuttered while staring at me in awe.

"No I'm not!" I tried, hitting the button on my chest to take off my suit. "I'm not!"

"You were on the ceiling!" He breathed with shock as he pointed up. My suit peeled from my body and fell to the ground.

"No I wasn't!" I looked up briefly before looking back at him. "Ned what are you doing in my room?!"

"May let me in, you said I could come over after prom!" He fought back.

"You can't just bust into my roo-" As if on cue May waltzed in, waving a towel in the air that was filled with smoke.

"Woo! That Turkey meatloaf recipe is a disaster!" She laughed, taking her hair out of a pony tail. "Let's go to dinner, Thai? Ned you want Thai?"


"No!" I interrupted him. "He's got a thing."

"A thing to do after." We both smiled mock innocently at her. She looked between us suspiciously before turning around.

She didn't get far before turning back around and waving a finger at me. "Maybe put on some clothes..."

I looked down and saw that I was only in my boxers. I quickly grabbed a sweatshirt and held it over my body until she finally closed the door.

I quickly turned back to Ned as he spoke.

"She doesn't know!" He let out heavily.

"Nobody knows! Well Mr. Stark knows because he made my suit- but that's it!" I struggled to put the shirt on as I spoke.

"Tony Stark made your- woaaaaah..." He continued. "are you an avenger?"

I looked at him, thinking back to when I was specifically told by Tony that I was not.

"Yeah, basically." I got real close to him now. "You can't tell anybody this, you gotta keep it a secret." I demanded softly.

"A secret, why?"

I flipped out. "Because!" I threw my arm in the direction of the door. "Because you know what she's like- if she finds out people try to kill me every single night she's not gunna let me do this anymore!" My voice squeaked.

"Come on Ned, please..."

"Okay... okay okay okay okay. I'll level with you." He looked at me for a second before blowing up. "I don't think I can keep this a secret, this is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me!"

I turned away and scoffed. What do I do?

"May can not know- I can not do that to her right now. You know? Everything that's happened to her...I- please!"

He looked at me for a second before I saw him get serious.


"Just swear it, okay?" I calmed down.

"I swear."

"Thank you..."


"I can not believe this is happening."

"What about Y/n, does she know?" He asked, sitting on the bed again.

I turned to look at him, frowning. She could never know, this would crush her. US.

"No." I stated, sighing.

Ned looked down, knowing exactly how hard this was for me.

"Ned I-" I started. I remember telling Mr. Stark what I did. It felt good to say, but I wanted emotion. I could get that with Ned. "I killed her mom." I whispered.

He went wide eyed and stood up, playing a game of elevator it seemed.


"No no no, shh. Not directly but... I couldn't save her. Y/n has this inner battle with Spiderman and... I just can't do that to her." I quickly explained.

"You can't save everyone Pete, but okay. I'll keep it from her too..."

"Thank you..."

"Can I try the suit on?"


"Great." I grumbled to myself as I sat on a building. It was three in the morning and my thoughts were way too occupied for me to sleep.

What a mess everything was...

Y/n's parents. She was going to have none thanks to me. Ned knows, May is getting suspicious, Stark hadn't messaged me at all.

Everything was so damn stressful.

What could I do to make any of this right? Should I tell Y/n and let her make up her own mind, or continue to keep this from her?

Ned knew now, and if she found that out she would be so crushed. Every second, I feel like I'm lying to her.

Y/n, I'm so sorry. I never wanted this for you, I wanted you to find peace...


Thanks for reading!

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