You look hot!

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"I can't get this damned thing on." I growled, attempting to put on a tie. You'd think that someone able to put on a new superhero suit in nearly ten seconds could tie his own tie. But nope, Uncle Ben never got the chance to teach me.

"Here, let me help." Ned offered. The two of us had woken up a bit earlier than normal for a Saturday and May made us get dressed instantly.

"You need time for pictures and dinner." She had said.

So here we are, Ned tying my tie, he did it well too!

A knock on the door caught our attention, and May walked by my room to get it. She opened the door and greeted Y/n, who was still wearing her regular clothes. None the less, her dress was draped over her arms and her shoes dangled from her finger tips.

"Come on in, the bathroom is over there. You can go ahead and get dressed." May pointed to the bathroom.

"You guys look really nice," Y/n smiled as she walked past us.

"Hey thanks!" Ned smiled and stood up straight. He looked at me and smirked.

"Y-yeah thanks." I spoke, feeling a blush peek onto my face. Aunt May caught my blush and watched Y/n disappear into the bathroom.

"Oh my gosh, you like her!" She whispered, walking towards Ned and myself.

"N-no!" I tried to argue.

"Yes he does. Even the weird girl picked up on it," Ned spoke with a smile.

"Ned!" I yelled at him. I was being betrayed!

"I barely know her..." I shrugged, rubbing the back of my neck.

"That's what young relationships are for, Pete. To get to know each other and stuff. Why aren't you going with her to prom?" She asked.

I frowned and dropped my arm to my side.

"I didn't even think about it. Flash did." Was all I said. I sat on the couch and huffed, pulling at my tie. This thing was so uncomfortable.

"Well, you just be there tonight for if she needs you." May pat my shoulder. I nodded and gave her a tight lipped smile.

"May?" Y/n called lightly from the bathroom. "I-I'm done."

"Okay, coming! Make up and hair will only take me about an hour cause Y/n is so naturally beautiful already." She spoke the last part to us.

About an hour later, filled with Ned and I shoving our faces with leftover pizza we had last night, there was ANOTHER knock on the door. I stood up from my place at the table and opened the door, groaning loudly.

"What up Penis Parker?" Flash smirked. He was in a tux and held a corsage I knew was for Y/n. It made me so angry.

"Where's my date?" He asked cockily.

"She's getting ready still." I stated and let him in. I did not want to deal with him all day. Not at all. He looked around the room before making himself comfortable on the couch, shoes on it and everything.

"No shoes on the couch." I stated, walking to his side.

"Who's gunna stop me?" He asked. I could, and I knew it too, but should I?

I glared down at him but before I could say anything, the bathroom door squeaked, and   Y/n walked out.

She was... gorgeous. Her dress/tux was on and fit her amazingly. Her hair/no hair was (dream style/decor) and matched perfectly. Not to mention her makeup. Though she was so pretty with out it, it really finished the look.

"You look so-" I tried to talk.

"You look hot!" Flash jumped up from the couch and walked up to her. Gee, what a great compliment.

"Oh... thanks." She stated, looking at the ground as if that wasn't what she wanted to hear.

"Here." He handed her the corsage. She took it and gave a very forced smile before putting it on over her wrist.

She was so damn beautiful.

"Ready to go?" He asked. She nodded and turned to Ned and I.

"Are you guys ready?" We had our shoes on and nodded.

"Woah woah woah, they aren't carpooling with us." He chuckled, looking at me.

May furrowed her eyebrows. "I'll take you boys."

"Aren't there usually prom groups?" Y/n asked, looking at Flash. He shrugged and nodded. "Well they are in ours."

"They can meet us there." He fought back, not seeming to budge.

"They are in our prom group, so they are going with us- or you can go alone." She stood up to him. He looked at her surprised, but after looking her up and down like an object he didn't want to lose, he complied.

"Fine fine, geez." He grumbled, pulling out his car keys.

I spotted May smirking at Y/n, I could tell she liked her.

"Okay you crazy kids, I want pictures!" May called as we walked out. I waved to her and closed the door, taking in a deep breath and preparing myself for the day.

Let's get this over with.


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