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I had the worst feeling after Y/n disappeared from lunch. Ned had been asking me so many questions about Spiderman, we had to be so silent around everyone, including Y/n.

I knew she felt left out, and she clearly needed to talk, but I couldn't find the time to be there for her. I felt like a jerk, but what could I do?

She cancelled on me last minute, which was her own choice, but I felt like there was more to the story.

As Ned and I parted for our fifth period classes, I pulled out my phone and shot her a quick text. By the end of the day, when her locker stayed abandoned and she was no where in sight, I left more and more messages.

I even called her once.

Or six times...

I couldn't help it, my Spidey senses were tingling. I was becoming scared. Why did she leave, and why wouldn't she answer?

"Have you heard from Y/n?" I asked Ned as we collected our things to go home. Tomorrow was the last day, and I couldn't wait for it to end. I could focus more on things that really mattered to me, I was so beyond highschool right now.

"Not since lunch. She seemed upset though." Ned frowned as I closed my locker.

"Are you talking about the new girl?" Michelle LITERALLY popped out of nowhere and barged into our conversation. I jumped a bit before turning to her.

"Her name is Y/n." I defended her.

"Easy. I didn't insult her." She rolled her eyes. "Anyways. She left the school during lunch."

Ned and I stared at her weirdly.

"I'm not obsessed with her, just observant." She stated before walking away.

Why did Y/n leave the school? She couldn't hang on till the last day?

"She creeps me out. Anyway, I'll see ya tomorrow."

"Yeah." I responded simply to Ned. Once he was out of sight, I let out a sigh, something that was becoming a habit I suppose.

I shrugged my nearly empty backpack over my shoulders and whipped out my phone. Walking out of the building, kids pouring out like a flood, I gave Y/n another call. I knew she wouldn't answer, but I had to try. I just had to.

"Y/n please, answer your phone." I begged as I got off school grounds. Chills ran up my arms, my senses were the strongest when they came to her. She had this affect on me that seemed to give me... life.

"Damn it!" I yelled as I walked down my street. Where could she be? What could have happened?

'Where are you?' A text from Aunt May came in.

'Hanging with Y/n. Ill b home 2 night' I sent back.

I needed to find her.


The sky was getting dark now, and there was no way I could do this as Peter, I needed to have eyes and ears above.

So there I was, sitting up on the roof in a crouched position, looking down at the streets. There was no one anywhere, it was very eerie.

"Are you lost?" I heard a sudden voice speak from around a corner. I crawled to the side, just in time to see a teenager grab Y/n and hold onto her tightly. She wasn't afraid, she was angry, and was trying to snatch herself away.

"Let me go." She growled.

I hopped down silently onto a fire escape ladder and stared at the jerk, ready to kick his ass. Keep your filthy hands off of her!

"I believe the lady had spoken." I grabbed both of their attention. Y/n didn't look relieved to see me, it was as if she didn't care at all. She was definitely still angry at me, or Spiderman.

"Oh yeah, Tights?" He gave me a nickname.

"Yeah." I growled, shooting a web and swinging down to kick him. I didn't realize how tight his grip on Y/n was until they both fell to the ground. Sorry Y/n...

She got up and began to walk away, not having a care in the world.

The guy got up and looked at me before pulling a knife from his pocket and flinging it open.

"Oh no! Is that a knife?" I gasped, putting my hands up and shrinking away.

"Yeah. It is." He said cockily.

"My weakness! Tiny knives!" I spoke. He growled as he realized I was joking and charged at me. I was quick to dodge it and stick him to the wall.

"Bye Mr. Criminal!" I spoke before turning back to Y/n.

"Hey wait! Y/n wait!" I called out. Y/n stopped dead in her tracks.

"How do you know my name?" She asked, turning around carefully. I cleared my voice as she spoke, making sure I kept it masked. Looking at the ground to think of an excuse, I felt sad.

"Your mother..." I spoke softly, stepping close to her. She looked down, not wanting to keep thinking about this. "I'm so sorry." I didn't speak again as the two of us stood there. A dog barked in the distance and the dim light of a streetlamp cascaded shadows around us.

"I'm just glad you saved everyone else." She spoke honestly.

"If I could go back to that day and try again, I would." I spoke upset, and felt my eyes fill with tears. I had brought so much pain to her with out even knowing her, and now it was biting us both in the ass.

"I know..." She whispered. "I'll see ya." She finished before walking away. This time, I let her go.


I sat on my bed, staring down at the suit on the ground.

Ever since I met Y/n, I felt like I had been doing more wrong than right as Spiderman. Who was I?

To her, at least. Who was I to her?

My phone buzzed beside me, making me flinch and grab it quickly. The ID said (your nickname) so I quickly read the text. I was beginning to think she hated Peter Parker too.

'Bridge, 10 minutes'

The simple text meant a lot to me. The bridge is where she always opened up to me, where she was honest about everything. I needed to know what she was thinking, what she was feeling.

I got up from my bed, after texting her that I was on my way, and quickly hid my suit. Aunt May would be asleep by now, so I silently opened my door and walked out. I grabbed a jacket and threw it over my arms as I exited the building.

I hopped down the stairs, giving the roses a familiar glance as I darted past them, and turned the usual corner. She reached out to talk to me, and I was going to be fast to answer her cry for help.

Y/n Y/l/n, Peter Parker is coming.

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