Asian Food

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Ding Ding Ding

The first period bell rang, beginning class.

Ms. Nelson was quick to start her lesson, but my eyes were trained on Y/n's empty seat. She must have gotten sick or something, for she was not here.

"Can I still come over?" Ned asked as he followed my gaze.

"Yeah man." I answered before brushing the entire situation off.

For some reason, the entire day felt off with out Y/n here. I had nothing to question or consider.

Even lunch was weird. Though Ned and I sat alone for years with out her, it was super quiet. I didn't realize how strong the smell of (your favorite fruit) had been until it wasn't here today.

"You're coming to practice tomorrow, right?" Liz spoke as soon as she approached our table.

"Yeah definitely." I spoke, not giving her a second glance. She nodded before walking away to her table.

"What was that?" Ned asked as him and I were alone.

"What?" I asked, turning to him.

"You didn't even drool." He teased me.

I rolled my eyes, knowing he was talking about the huge crush I use to have on her.

"No more crush?"

"I don't know man, it kinda faded. Not like I had a chance with a senior girl anyways." I excused.

"Yeah right." Michelle, the weird girl in our grade, spoke up from the far end of the table. "It's the new girl. He's got googly eyes for her."

"No way!" Ned laughed, staring me down.

"No, no!" I tried to say. "H-how would you even know?" I asked Michelle as I gave her a glare.

"I'm just very observant." She stated before getting up and throwing her garbage away. I watched as she left the cafeteria, before turning to an open mouthed Ned.

"You like Y/n?" He asked.

"I-I don't know! I barely know her." I blushed.

"Yeah. Sure."

"Come on man..."


"Hey May," I called through the room as I pulled my key from the door.

"Hi Peter, hi Ned!" She smiled, taking something out of the oven. Smoke followed quickly as she fanned the air and coughed.

"Oh looks like I gotta g-"

"Nonsense. Let's order take out, this chicken was a disaster!" She laughed. Ned laughed with her and closed the door.

"I might have another friend stopping by," May was happily surprised at my words. "Is that okay?"

"Of course!" She cheered, happy that I was being the social butterfly she wanted. I held back an eyeroll as she picked up the phone and ordered a few things from an Asian restaurant.

"We will be in my room!" I called as Ned and I trailed away.

"So, you think your girlfriend will show?" Ned asked.

"Ned!" I scolded him. She was NOT my girlfriend. I didn't even know her last name until yesterday!

"I'm hoping  she does, but if she's sick I understand."

Time rolled around, and eventually the sky was darkening.

"Dinner must be here!" May knocked on our door. I'm guessing the buzzer rang.


There was a knock on the apartment room door, May's thought was the food. She was excited when she answered the door, but was shocked when she saw it wasn't the attractive delivery man from her favorite restaurant.

"Oh hello," she spoke to you as you anxiously looked at her. She recognized you almost instantly.

"Good evening." You managed to say, afraid of what she thought of you. You DID come and ruin her garden for a week straight...

"I-is Peter here?" You asked. Your toes wiggled uncomfortably in your shoes, fear for what was going to happen. Would she make you leave? Yell at you?

Your hands clutched a bouquet of roses as you swallowed a lump in your throat. 

Peter and Ned emerged from his room, talking and laughing about something.

"Yes dear, come on in. And look, you brought him flowers!" She smiled. She was so inviting and happy, despite the trouble you caused her.

"Actually ma'am," you felt a bit better. "These are for you. To replace the ones I stole. I owe you an apology."

"Sweetie, it's okay. These are so lovely and will go well on the table surrounded by the dinner I just ordered."

"Y/n!" Peter cheered as he spotted you in the doorway. He too was expecting the delivery man.

You handed the roses to May, who's name you didn't know yet, and walked next to Peter.

His presence was a major comfort, even though you barely knew him. As soon as you both met, he was there in your weakest, most vulnerable moments. He was a good feeling.

"I'm happy you could make it." He spoke softly to you. He was so gentle with you, making you feel important and small, in a good way of course. You gave him a light smile, before dropping it. He was looking at your eye.

The black eye, to be exact, that your father gave to you earlier.

"Excuse me?" A masculine, Asian accented voice came from behind you all. "I have your food..."



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