Your Spot

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WARNING there is small smut in this heh heh... be warned. I am not good at writing it and I feel so awkward but I have gotten so many requests to do some and this was perfect timing.


"You like it?" Peter asked you, smirking and watching you closely.

"Gosh Peter, just when I thought it couldn't get better, it did." You whispered, awestruck.

You two were of course talking about the picnic Peter set up for the two of you. (haha gotcha) It was in the first place you two kissed, with the little lake and beach area, but there were candles around the picnic blanket, fancier food, he brought your swimsuits, AND had some wine. Though the two of you were too young, it was super romantic and you loved it.

"Can we swim first?" You spoke, smiling at the entire thing. The sky was dark but it was so beautiful.

"Anything you want (your nickname)."

You giggled and ran to the blanket and picked up your swimsuit. You cringed and looked at it.

"You never got a chance to swim in it, since I had to kick Flash's ass." Peter smiled as you looked at the (one piece or two piece from hawaii) with haste.

"I hate swimsuits." You groaned.

"Come on baby." Peter spoke into your ear, hugging around your waste from behind. You couldn't help the smile that took over your face as his hands delicately lifted your shirt. His touch sent tingles over your stomach.

You didn't want him to stop, but you knew you'd get no where if you let him do it.

"Okay fine. But you have to turn around." You smiled, escaping his grasp.

"Bah humbug." He muttered through a smile before turning around. He had already put on his trunks and was wearing them for shorts, so he was set to go.

You watched him intently as you pulled of your clothes slowly, not wanting to make any noises to make him think you were done. You pulled on the bathing suit but kept watching him as your skilled fingers tied it yourself.

"Are you done yet?" He asked, wiggling around.

You didn't speak, but instead smiled and ran to the water. You leaped high into the air as you reached the end, and landed with a large splash.

"Oh you're gunna get it!" Peter laughed, though you couldn't hear it. He ripped off his shirt and ran after you, flinching slightly due to the bruises, but could manage.

As soon as you popped your head from the water, Peter jumped in. You let out a giggle and a yell as he hit the water, splashing you like a hurricane.

He came (oof) up quickly and spit water at your face.

"Hey!" You yelled, swimming closer to him. "What'd you do that for?"

"You jumped in to avoid me seeing you!" He yelled back, but smiled.

"Nuh uh!" You giggled, holding his shoulders.

"Yuh huh!" He yelled back, putting his hands on your hips and holding you lightly.

"Nuh uh!"

"Yuh huh!"



Each set of words, you two got closer and closer, before you couldn't resist and kissed him hard. He kissed back instantly, as if he were already planning to kiss you. You were blown away by the passion of this kiss.

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