Caught Red Glove Handed.

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You stood at the doorway, a pastel blue robe draped around your shivering body, and smiled down as Peter tied his shoes. As he stood back up, he had a look of worry and regret on his features. 

"Peetteeerrr." You whined, wrapping your arms around him. "I promise I will be fine for ONE night." 

Peter sighed and hugged you back, nodding momentarily before pulling away. He held you by the shoulders and look into your eyes like a mother. 

"Okay, I'm only one text away. May will be home in an hour and then I will be home before her tomorrow so all is well. You are shivering so you should-"

"Get back into bed, I know." You rolled your eyes. You were ashamed to admit his caring was getting annoying. 

He smiled lightly at you before hugging you again. 

"I love you a lot." He whispered. You smiled, though he couldn't see it, and hugged him back. 

"I love you too Pete." With those words, he pulled away once more, grabbed his bag off of the floor, and exited the building. He closed the door lightly and you locked it behind him like you always were supposed to do. 

As the lock clicked, it was like instant silence. 

The room around you was still and quiet, granting you your first sense of peace in a while. You let out a sigh and traveled back to your room, holding a hand out against the wall incase your weak legs gave out again. 

They had given out when you got up to use the restroom, but luckily Peter's insane reflexes saved you from hitting your head. 

You made it back to your room safely and curled into the bed. The thick blankets almost instantly warmed you up as you pulled them over your body. Ah finally, some peace. 



I stayed by the door for a few moments before reluctantly turning away. I didn't want to leave her there all alone, but god I needed a little break. Plus, I felt bad for the lack of time I had spent with Ned. 

With that being said, I let out a final sigh before beginning my journey to Ned's house. 

It only took about fifteen minutes to walk, so by the time Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd came on, I was in his driveway. 

"Hey Peter!" Ned cheered from the front door, as if he was waiting for me the entire time. 

"Hey Ned."



"How many pieces are left?" I asked Ned as I put a gray lego block onto the spaceship we were building. 

"Uhh about twenty, why?" Ned asked. 

"I gotta head home when we are done. Y/n is still sick." I spoke, picking up another block. 

"You literally texted her all night and an hour ago, I think she is fine." Ned laughed as he snatched the piece from me and placed it in it's correct spot. 

"Yeah yeah, but I wanna make sure, yunno?" 

"Yeah, whatever SpiderDork." He teased. I chuckled and pushed him over. 

Just then, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out, causing Ned to sigh, and smiled as I saw who it was from. 

(Your nickname)

Can I steal a pair of sweatpants?

I'm cold!

                                        Uh yeah, but don't u have
                                        ur own???

Well duh, but yours are more




                                        I will b home in about
                                        half an hour.

Okie, see ya!

I smiled and out the phone away, helping Ned finish the ship. 

"Ah! Last piece. Aaaaaaannnddd done." Ned stated as I put the final piece on. "My, she's a beauty!"

"Aye aye captain!" I saluted him like an idiot. "Hey so, I gotta get going. You can sure as heck come though if you want!" 

"Oh yeah sure! It would be nice to see Y/n and wish her well. let me just go ask my mom." Ned replied. As he left, I pulled on my shoes and gathered all my belongings into my bag. I pulled my phone out and sent a message to Y/n. 

'Hey babe, about to leave. Ned is coming to say hi and stuff.'

Once I hit send, I waited for a response. Only a few moments passed by with no response before I put my phone away. 

"Hey." Ned barged into the room. "She said I can go." I nodded at his words and the two of us walked out. 

"Bye mom!" Ned and I both called as we walked past his mother and out the door. She waved to us before Ned closed it, and off we went. 

"So I was thinking." Ned started as I pulled my phone out again. "For my birthday I was going to ask for a few Lego Fighter Jet sets. Have any interest in those?" 

"Yeah." I spoke simply as I furrowed my eyebrows at my phone. Still no response? She usually responded quickly, even if she was asleep. She always woke up to her phone buzzing. Maybe it just died. 

"Okay cool cause like, if I get the one I already have you can just have it." 

"Sounds good." I stated simply again as Ned rambled on and on like usual. We finally made it back to the apartment complex, where I expected to feel relieved. Instead, I felt rather sick to my stomach, as if something was wrong. 

I opened the door and we climbed into the elevator and rode up. Each step to the door felt weirder and weirder, my spidey senses didn't pick up danger, but instead some sort of uncomfortable feeling. 


I took my key from my bag and unlocked the door, knowing that May was not home yet, and pushed it open. 

"Y/n?" I called through the room. Ned followed me into the room and stayed quiet. "I'm home!" 

I threw my key down on the couch and poked my head down the hallway. Her door was wide open and she wasn't on the bed. 

"Where is sh-"

"Peter..." Ned whispered, standing outside my door as he interrupted me. I walked beside him and pushed my door open a few more inches. At first, all I saw was Y/n sitting there. Then I noticed it. 

The tears in her eyes and tense body spoke for the betrayal I felt radiating from her body. 

As she clutched the blue and red suit against her chest, I knew her heart was in pieces. 

I knew she knew. 


I'm a terrible excuse for a human. Please forgive my absence again. So like, because I can't commit to this book as much as I use to be able to, I rushed the end of this like crazy. So much that... I hate to say it... there is only one more chapter. 

I don't plan on starting the second book until I have lots of freetime because it isn't fair for me to make you guys wait for so damn long, not knowing when I will update even if I say Wednesday. Truth is, my life is too hectic to worry about all of that. Hopefully sometime in the early new year I will put up the new book. 

I'll probably start working on it as soon as this one is completely done, but I won't update till I have tons of chapters planned out ahead of time. 

I am really sorry. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, get ready to sob like me when I update the last one in a few days. I love you all!

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