The Final Bell

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'Where r u?' I texted to Y/n as her locker stayed shut all morning. I watched it carefully, wondering if my words and gestures creeped her out last night. I gave her my jacket and hugged her after saying I loved her, was that weird?

I don't know how these things work, if I'm being honest.

'Not coming today, I had a long night and there's no point in coming.' She texted back. I sighed and closed my locker before walking to Ned's. I guess I would have to answer his many questions on Spiderman, and not have to worry about Y/n overhearing us.

"Hey Pete. How was your night?" Ned asked as he saw me.

"Eventful. Tiring. How about you?" I answered, leaning against the lockers.

"Boring. Did ya get some Spiderman action on?" He got excited. I looked at him sideways before scoffing.

"Yea, but most importantly, I hung out with   Y/n." He kept his excited face on as I spoke.

"How was it?" He asked.

"I think it was great. She opened up to me about a lot of personal things."


"She craved a bond between us. It really surprised me at first but after a while, I loved knowing things about her. We talked all night, about everything. We told each other our secrets, it was... relieving." I felt a smile on my face.

"So she knows about Spiderman?" He asked and closed his locker. We began to walk to our first hour class as I shook my head.

"No. No way. That would hurt her so bad..." I spoke sadly. I felt like an asshole. She told me everything, but I couldn't.

Ned gave me an unsure nod before we were forced into silence by the bell. All through out class, we didn't have to do anything. We were just allowed to talk and stuff. That was pretty much the entire day.


As the final bell rang, kids ran out of their classrooms and from their lockers to escape for the summer.

"Well," Ned threw an arm around my shoulder as we walked to my apartment. "We made it through another year."

"One more and then we are done!" I smiled at him.

"Can I stay the night?" He asked, shrugging his backpack up as it fell from his shoulders again.

"Yeah, lemme just check with Aunt May though." I pulled out my phone. In the middle of typing, Ned grabbed my attention.

"Hey, there's your girlfriend." He nudged me. I looked up and saw Y/n sitting on the front steps next to May, them both smiling and talking. I smiled but furrowed my eyebrows as I pocketed my phone, walking up to them curiously.

"She's not my girlfriend..." I muttered to Ned.

"Yeah right." He muttered back, also smiling at them.

May noticed us first and smiled back, but Y/n had her eyes on the ground. She always did, even when she was smiling.

"Boys, welcome home! Y/n and I were just catching up a bit. Did you know her favorite show is (your favorite) just like me? And she's so funny!" Aunt May was showering Y/n with compliments.

Y/n blushed and smiled at the ground.

"I did not know that. How interesting." I smirked at her with a teasing tone. She stuck her tongue out at me before they both stood up. I could see bags under her eyes, and her body slouched a bit with exhaustion. When was the last time she slept?

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