The Day After

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It was nearly two in the morning by the time you guys had ventured back home, tired and drowsy from the night's events.

Now laying in his bed, Peter was sulking, for a reason you didn't know yet.

"What's wrong?" You asked self consciously, thinking back to what you had done a few hours ago. Did he not like it? Was it bad? Were you?

"Nothing." He stated like a typical teenage girl. You faced him, but he was simply staring up at the ceiling with thought in his eyes.

"How stupid do you think I am?" You gigged, trying to keep the mood up. "Seriously though, what's the matter?"

"What we did..." he sighed.

You felt your heart drop before you rolled back over and stared like he was.

"It was that bad, huh?" You muttered.

"What? No! Not at all!" He shot up to say before laying back down. "It's just... it could have been better."

"Okay ouch." You growled, crossing your arms.

"No! Not like that! I mean, I could have made it more special for you..."

"Stop it Peter." You scolded him, running your fingers over his cheek delicately. He sighed and rolled over, facing you. He was genuinely worried about this.

"Was it your..." He started asking if it was your first but blushed.

"Yes it was." You spoke honestly.

"Damn it!" He growled, shielding his face in his hands. "It should have been more special, we should not have had that wine, you should have made the decision-"

"Peter cut it out!" You spoke to him. He was making this into a huge deal that it did not need to be. "It was amazing. Truly breathtaking. I loved every second of it. We didn't have that much wine. I was sober enough to make my own decisions, and tipsy enough to have fun. I can't imagine it being any better."


"No buts! I don't regret a single second of it! I've never felt that amazing before so just... just shut up." You were annoyed. He was ruining such a beautiful, tender moment.

He looked at your for a few moments before a light smile broke out on his face.

"I don't regret it either." He spoke before planting a soft kiss on your nose. You smiled and scoot closer to him, laying your head on his chest and relaxing as he wrapped his arms around you.

You let the both of you sit in comfortable silence before your mind began to think, reminding you about the practice tomorrow.

"Are you coming tomorrow?" You asked, looking up at him. His eyes were closed but you knew he was awake.

"Hmm?" He very softly responded.

"We have a practice tomorrow, I'm sure everyone would love to see you there."

"Oh- yeah, I'll be there. Hopefully nothing gets in the way this time." He peaked an eye to look at you. You frowned and let your face fall into one of unhappiness.

"That's not funny." You stated, looking away from him.

"Whaaaat? I'm joking, I'm joking. I'll be there." He smiled, poking your side. You smiled but kept your face from him, just relaxing in the moment.


Your hand felt warm in the sweet fall air as Peter held it comfortably in his own. Your sweater was almost not good enough for the cold, and you knew winter was coming soon.

"Why does practice have to be so early." Peter groaned as you dragged him along the school campus.

"Because book club is meeting here too, so this was the only time we could squeeze in." You smiled, nudging his arm with you shoulder.

"This place sucks." He grumbled. He was clearly cranky and tired, but he was coming to the practice and that was all you cared about.

The two of you walked into the door that went right into the cafeteria, where you usually practiced, and were meant with a bit of warm air. You sighed with relaxation as you entered, and smiled at the faces looking at you.

"Peter!" They chanted happily, making you feel a bot out of place. You knew, however, that it was because they missed him. Most of them, other than Ned, hadn't seen Peter in a while, but they have seen you.

"Mr. Parker, so you ARE on the team." Mr. Harrison smirked, sitting at a table with his arms crossed.

"Of course, just had a few things to take care of first." Peter smiled and sat down. You smiled at him before taking a seat next to him, ready to get this practice started.

"Okay, let's run some drills."


Guys I'm so sorry for the late update, my life is absolutely hectic right now. It isn't an excuse to have missed last Wednesday's update, but I have free time now and I will be typing out a ton of chapters to make sure you get your chapters on the day I promised!

Also I'm sorry it's kinda boring right now, but just hang in there. I'm leading up to some crazy shit...

ALSO I haven't forgotten about the new character, don't worry. She will be in the second book (yes I still plan on the second book don't worry, I'm not bored of this book) so stick with it.

Shit is about to go down.

Thank you all so much for reading!

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