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"We can finish that lego set tonight if you want." Ned whispered in my ear from behind me as we sat in first period. I gave him a simple nod, scribbling down notes as Ms. Nelson spoke. Y/n raised her hand from across the room, catching her attention.

"Yes Ms. Y/l/n?" Ms. Nelson called. I didn't even know her last name! Ugh! There was so much I didn't know about this girl, why was I so intrigued by her?

"May I please use the restroom?" She asked politely.

The teacher nodded and handed her the hall pass as she got to the front of the room. I gave her a tight lipped, innocent smile as she walked by, and she returned it.

Minutes passed by, Y/n was still gone as Nelson continued the lecture.

"Okay you may get a start on your homework considering there's still fifteen minutes of class left." She spoke. Everyone shuffled around, but only Ned and I actually worked from our textbooks.

I shiver came over me as I looked at Y/n's empty seat, and the hair on my arms stood up.


"May I use the restroom?" I asked a bit too loudly.

She nodded simply and went back to grading papers and what not on her desk. I stood up and got to the door.

"Don't forget the pass, Peter." She reminded me. I nodded and took the pass from her desk before hurrying out of the door.

I looked left and right, not knowing which way Y/n went. Following my gut, I walked left. If she really went to the bathroom, she went this way.

My senses got stronger as I heard commotion coming from around the corner.

"-I mean, we don't usually get new students this time of year. So like, what? Did you get kicked out of your old school? Or like, got bullied?" Some girl spoke loudly.

"I was homeschooled." Y/n spoke sheepishly.

"Homeschooled!" I different voice cackled.

"So what? Did your family not like you or something? Or like, die!" A few girls laughed.

Their words infuriated me as I finally got to them. Y/n held her head down as three cheerleaders surrounded her by the girl's bathroom. They hit a hard spot.

"Hey!" I yelled, catching all their attention but Y/n's. "Leave her alone."

"We're just making conversation." One girl spoke up. She didn't look evil, she didn't mean any harm, I could tell. They didn't even understand that they were being harsh.

"Can't you see she doesn't want to talk?" I snapped, getting next to them.

"Oh so what, you're the hero?" The first girl joked.

"Hey!" A teacher yelled from his classroom. "Get to class. All of you."

The girls nodded and scurried off, talking and giggling.

"Are you okay?" I asked Y/n as we turned to go to our class.

"Yeah, we were just talking." She pursed her lips. She didn't know about my sensitive hearing, she didn't know I heard them.

"Well whatever they said, ignore them. They are clueless to the world around them, they mean no true harm." I reasoned.

"Thanks Pete." She smiled lightly.


"Ned's coming over later, do you want to join us?" I asked Y/n as I took bites of my pizza.

"Oh uh... I'd have to ask my dad. Maybe tomorrow." She said, picking at the same fruit as always.

"Can't you text him?" Ned asked.

"I don't have a phone." She stated, dropping the subject.

"Okay, we will plan for tomorrow then." I smiled at her. She gave me an appreciative smile before stabbing a piece of (your favorite fruit) and shoving it into her mouth.

I always made sure conversations were dropped when she seemed uncomfortable. It was what I could do, as Peter, to be a hero for her.

"My room is number 12." I told her, making sure she knew. She nodded and that was the end of the conversation.


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