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I walked beside Y/n as she held her sides uncomfortably, I could tell she really did not want to be in he swimsuit. Despite her fear, she pressed her toes into the sand and smiled at the warmth.

"I've never been to a beach before." She smiled at the sand, kicking it around. "It's beautiful."

"You should feel the water." I tried to get her to swim. "It's very refreshing and clean feeling."

She nodded and walked to the edge where small waves brushed against the sand. As she stepped onto the wet sand, a wave cascaded over her feet,giving her chills.

"Oh my gosh its so cold!" She laughed and watched me. I laughed and took my shirt off, letting i fall to the ground, and ran as fast as I could. She shrieked and moved away as I trudged into the water, splashing everywhere as I got in fully.

I poked my head above water and saw Ned, Abraham, Liz, Michelle, and even Sally running into the water.

"Come on it!" I yelled to Y/n.

"I'll come in later!" She called back, spreading a towel out and sitting on it. I decided to leave her be, she would work up the courage and come in soon.

"Peter look." Ned cackled behind me. I turned around, but as soon as I did he dove under the water as if to trick me.

I rolled my eyes and held my breath, diving beside him and waving at him. Though I had my eyes open in the water and it didn't hurt, he was wearing goggles.

He blew bubbles from his nose and mouth as he laughed and stood up, going above water.

"You aren't very good at hiding!" I laughed at his childlike behavior. He thrusted his hands a me in the water, sending a large amount of splash at my face. I hacked up some water and coughed before splashing him back.

"Hey!" He yelled, splashing back.

"You started it!" I laughed, doing the same.

It went on like this for a long time, before the hair on my arms stood up.

A flow of water smacked my face, sending my hair in front of my eyes, but I was too focused on trying to hear.

My excellent hearing kicked in, but the sound was behind me.

"I WIN YOU LOSER BOI!" Ned yelled, getting in my face.

"Ned shut up." I demanded, dunking him under the water before going back to listening.

"You aren't going in?" I heard Flash asking.

"No." Y/n's voice spoke up, causing me to turn around fully to the shore and watch them.

"Why not?" He sat right next to her. She scoot over, but he just got closer.

"Hey what was that fo- oh." Ned stopped whining as he looked where I was looking.

"Because I don't want to." She stated,crossing her arms.

"Don't you have a swimsuit?" He asked.


"Well lemme see it! I'm sure it looks grea-"

"Flash leave me alone, okay? I don't want to talk to you."

I began walking out of the water, fists clenched at my sides and anger in my chest that I didn't feel like I could control.

"Look. I'm sorry about Prom okay? You got drunk so I guess technically it is all your fau-"

"Flash." I snarled as I got close enough to them. Y/n looked so relieved to see me. "I'm pretty sure she said she didn't want to talk to you."

"Frick off Penis Parker. I'm having a conversation with her." He snarled, glaring at me.

"I'll give you one chance to get up and leave." I threatened him. Y/n looked between the two of us and stood up, not wanting anything bad to happen.

Flash stood up as well, squaring up to me.

"Guys stop..." Y/n spoke, fear in her eyes. For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to care for her pleads. I wanted to show Flash that I was tired of him, and him messing with Y/n. Scenes from prom played through my head.

Y/n crying, squirming to get away, his hands exploring her nastily.

I wanted to crack his face open.

"Or what?" Flash stated, to me not Y/n.

"Don't test me Asshole." I snarled.

"You don't scare me." Flash teased back childishly. "Besides, I could take care of her better than you can."

"Stop it!" Y/n yelled, but she was too late. My fist swung and collided with his cheek, sending him to the sand.

Mr. Harrison noticed and was rushing over, as well as the rest of the team.

I went to tackle him, but a delicate body stopped me.

"Peter stop!" She cried out, not wanting violence. She pushed me back, cowering in my chest. "You already got him, don't do anything more!"

"Boys! Enough!" Mr. Harrison yelled, holding Flash as he got up and tried to swing at me.

Michelle was smirking and even took a picture of Flash struggling. Liz was shaking her head at me, but Abraham and Ned were laughing, whispering and looking at Flash freaking out.

"Don't touch me, don't touch me!" He gasped, swinging to get out of Harrison's grasp.

Harrison let him go and he just glared at me.

"Whatever Man." He growled.

All the while, Y/n was still clinging onto me, not knowing what to do.


Much much much much love to you all!

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