I am living

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"Hey! Come on, Kid!" Aunt May's voice interrupted my sleep. I sat up in my bed and squinted, light peeking through my window brightly. I leaned to my window and peeled apart the blinds, barely catching a glimpse of the same (your color hair) haired girl. Once again, she held a rose, and May was shaking a fist in her direction.

I jumped from the bed and ripped open my door, quickly making my way outside. As the front door closed, I saw May walking in, sighing lightly.

"Again?" I asked as I surprised her in the hallway.

"Geez Pete, you scared the heck out of me!" She held a hand to her chest.

"Sorry," I spoke sheepishly.

"Yeah, her again. How peculiar." She walked to our door.

"May, really. I could talk to her." I tried.

"No need. Besides, you wouldn't chase after a pretty girl looking like that." She teased and walked into our home.

I looked down at myself, immediately blushing.

"Damn it..." My face heated up as I covered in front of me, my boxers being exposed to anyone that would come out. How embarrassing!

I quickly retreated in with May and went straight to my room, putting on sweatpants and a plain navy tee. What was that girl up too? I had never seen her before, so why now?

"Any plans this weekend?" Aunt May called from the kitchen as she heard the couch ruffle when I sat down.

"Just studying." I answered plainly, deep in thought of the girl. She didn't seem like a huge threat, but something in me was curious to find out her motive.

"Ah of course. The usual." She teased. "How about you invite Ned over, do something. Rent a movie or what not?" She was always trying to get me to be more social. It wasn't like I was an outcast, not really at least. I simply just focused on school a lot, or yunno. Saving people.


"I have a late shift tonight, I'd be bothered knowing you were alone all night." She walked into the living room. I watched my hands as I felt the couch dip beside me.

"I'm okay, really." I attempted to tell her, yet like always, she continued.

"I've been worried about you Pete. You focus too hard on school, you're always busy. You are a teenager, live a little." She looked at me with a sad smile.

"I am living, I like my life." I spoke delicately to her.

"I know, Sweetie. But you've changed a lot. Ever since your Uncle Ben..." She trailed off. I took this time to look her in the eyes, but she was looking at a picture hanging beside the television. Uncle Ben smiled happily in the frame, and unlike in real life, he was always right there for her to look at.

"Ever since that day, you've had your mind everywhere else."

"Okay, okay. I'll see if Ned wants to come over." I gave in. She smiled at me and stood up, gripping my shoulder like guardians usually do.

"There's pancakes and bacon on the counter for you if you want them." She spoke. I nodded at her and watched her trail into her bedroom. Having these senses was a blessing and a curse. I could hear her sniffling as she held back cries.

I hated doing this to her, it was never my intention to get Uncle Ben involved in the conversation.

She was right though. Ever since he was killed, I had vowed to do everything in my power to both save other people from losing a loved one, and to make him proud.

My body ached as I stood up, still tired from my sleep. I headed to my room and picked my phone off of the desk.

Hey Ned, wanna chill here for the night?
Read 3:23

Sorry man, got some family business to take care of.

Nah It's ok. See ya Monday
Read 3:24 PM

Sorry May, I really did try.

I set my phone down and walked back into the kitchen, taking the plate she left for me and sitting at the table. I ate medium bites as I stared at the ground below, specifically the garden.

Only someone with senses as keen as mine would be able to see the two places where a rose was stolen.

Would Mystery Girl come back tomorrow?


Thanks for reading <3

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