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The morning light was peaking through my blinds, the clock only reading 9:03 AM now. It had only been a short minute since Happy hung up on me, saying a final, cruel goodbye. 

I was still sitting there, staring at the phone that had dropped to my lap, wishing it weren't real. But I knew it was, and there was nothing I could do about it. 

It was officially over. 

Just as I assumed Spiderman was gone for good, the hairs on my arm stood up. 

What? What could it possibly be?

Throwing the covers off of my body, I yanked on some sweatpants and ripped open my door, darting to Y/n's room. 

I peaked in, as she always had her door open, and saw her sound asleep. I did wait a few seconds, taking in her peaceful look. She looked like an angel, sound asleep on a cloud. The way her hair rolled gracefully over the pillow and down her silk like skin. 

(If you don't have hair: The way her hands were delicately placed on the pillow next to her silky skinned face.)

She was too beautiful to be a part of this world. Too smart, too delicate and sweet, too witty and funny. She deserved everything good and more. 

More than I can give her, I thought to myself as I snapped back into action. I knew we had a meet today, but I needed to find out what the problem is. 

If you have these powers, and something bad happens, it happens because of you. 

Running back to my room, I knew what I had to do. Digging around in my closet, I finally found the old and worn out suit I had before Tony. 

"If you're nothing with out this suit, you shouldn't have it." I remember him saying to me. I would prove him wrong, here and now. Somewhere out there, something was wrong, and I was going to help. 


My slingers were not as fast as the ones on the new suit, but they did the job. It was like comparing a Bugatti to a mustang; They both work to get you where you need to be, but we all prefer the Big B. 

After swinging around aimlessly, scoping out the city of Queens, I finally saw something worth my time. Down below, a suspicious white van sat at the bottom of familiar steps. I landed on the building above and looked down, glaring as Markus and two Men loaded a big metal wingsuit into the back. 

"That's some weird Amazon Prime!" I yelled down to them, hoping to get their attention AFTER they set the heavy thing down. I need to keep Markus away from the suit, or I am screwed. They looked up at me, confused at first, due to the suit, but once he realized it was me, Markus was quick to yell. 

"Finally back for some more, huh Kid?!" He yelled, reaching for the suit. I shot a web and yanked him back. 

"What were you saying?" I asked, shooting a web onto a ledge and slinging down. Before landing, I kicked one of his men, who was attempting to pull out a gun. He landed painfully and stayed there, meanwhile the other guy was holding his pistol out. 

I put my hands up in mock surrender as he swung it around. 

"Oh please, please don't shoot me Mr. Criminal!" I fake cried. He didn't seem annoyed, but rather amused. That's when I realized it wasn't a regular gun, who's bullet I could dodge with my senses. 

The purple glow as he pulled the trigger emerged and grabbed a hold of me. It was pure agony as it was one me, feeling as if thousands of red hot fishing hooks were peeling my skin back a layer at a time. 

I growled in pain as I exchanged my glance from him to my arms, checking to see if I was really having my skin peeled, and seeing what he was doing. Markus got up, and the two of them dodged into the car, leaving the third guy. 

As soon as the guy with the weapon slammed his door, I was set free from his weapon. 

I gasped in a large breath and rolled onto my back, holding my body as it very slowly cooled down. 

As the tires screeched angrily, I threw my phone up in the air and shot a web so it would stick to the back. They drove away furiously, leaving my sight. 

I looked around, the world being upside down as I was on my back, and spotted a phone booth. I hissed in pain as I flipped my body over army crawling until I got my strength back to stand up. 

Leaning on the glass phone booth, I opened the door and quickly picked up the phone. No quarters, shit. 

I sighed and put my head against the black phone, not knowing what to do now. 

As if Thor was watching, I was blessed with a flip phone that sat on the ground, abandoned. I smirked as the time flashed, showing it had battery life left. 

Excuse me, I have a phone call to make. 


Short short short I am sorry 


Thank you all so much for reading! I should have another chapter out tomorrow or the next night! Mwah!


@ F.ricked on insta

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